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  • small container in which are placed tiny amounts of areca nut (buah), lime (pamor), and base (the leaf of a species of pepper), all ingredients of the betel chew. These substances then serve as temporary places of residence of the Trimurthi: Brahma, Wisnu, and Siwa, within the offering, because each is attracted toward its preferred color and direction: red areca nut = south = Brahma en
  • white lime = east = Siwa or Mahadewa en
  • green betel leaf = north = Wisnu. The word porosan can be used to refer to any such symbol betel quid, of which there are several shapes for different purposes. Or, more usually, it refers to gilingan porosan. This is made by smearing a little pamor-buah paste on a base leaf and rolling this in a piece of don kayu, .to make a small flat roll that can be used in a segehan or in a sampian. en
  • something added on top en
  • ready-made symbolic betel quid en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Niang titiang ke gria nunasang duwasa makta tubungan
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