How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • plants; plants commonly planted by people (Noun) en
  • suffix {ne} states ownership or clarifies the word followed. Almost the same as the 'the' particle in English. The word 'tetanduranne' can be interpreted as 'the plant' (Noun) en
  • sufiks {ne} menyatakan kepemilikan atau memperjelas kata yang diikuti. Hampir sama dengan partikel 'the' dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada kata 'tetanduranne' dapat diartikan sebagai 'tanaman itu' (Noun) id
  • tanaman; tumbuhan yang biasa ditanam orang (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Makejang égar. Makejang pada jaen nginyukang nasi bekelné. Sambilanga madaar, Luh Ayu Manik ngajakin timpal-timpalné apang sawai menék gunung. Tatujoné nyiamin tetanduranné ané wawu kapula apang mentik. Apang tusing cara pejabaté, tuah bisa nanem punyan kayu nanging tuara ikun nyiamin disubané suud matanduran. Eda nempa pejabat ané nanem entik-entikan anggon pencitraan apang ngenah tresna lan sutindih tekéning pertiwi. Nanging apang saja sutindih lan bakti, pamulan ané katanem mentik mokoh. Makejang cumpu tur masemaya lakar buin menék gunung nyiamin entik-entikanné.
[example 1]
All were happy and enjoyed their rice meals. Luh Ayu Manik suggested to her friends that they should hike up the mountains more often. The aim being to water the newly planted trees to keep them alive. In this way they would not only get to plant them like the officials but also keep them alive by regular watering. Don't follow the officials' example of planting to create an image of being a caring and committed environmentalist. As far as possible be dedicated so that the planted trees grow and thrive. All agreed to regularly return to the mountain to water their trees.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Upacara Melasti Mendak sabeh inggih punika wantah upacara pinaka pangrastiti mangdane prasida nedunang sabeh ring Desa Pecatu, raris sakancan tetanduranne prasida ngwetuang asil.

In English:   The Melasti Mendak Sabeh ceremony is a ceremony to ask for rain for fertility in Pecatu Village.

In Indonesian:   Upacara Melasti Mendak Sabeh merupakan upacara memohon hujan untuk kesuburan yang ada di Desa Pecatu.