Beyond a Holiday

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In English

Beyond a Holiday… We are fortunate to see remarkable changes within the works of the same artist, that reveal something subtle and intriguing about changing social conditions. Revealed almost inadvertently through the subconscious responses recorded as artists go through different periods in their life. We have a window to reap something unintentionally sown. A position with the benefit of hindsight giving richness to our insights. Wayan Suastama explored the theme of leisure and holidays during two different periods in his life. Exploring these themes was not something that he deliberated on. These were subjects and themes that naturally occurred,.. coincidentally at two very different phases of his career and in very different social and economic conditions.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Di Luar Liburan… Kami beruntung melihat perubahan luar biasa dalam karya seniman yang sama, yang mengungkapkan sesuatu yang halus dan menarik tentang perubahan kondisi sosial. Terungkap hampir secara tidak sengaja melalui tanggapan bawah sadar yang terekam saat para seniman menjalani berbagai periode dalam kehidupannya. Kami memiliki jendela untuk menuai sesuatu yang ditanam secara tidak sengaja. Posisi dengan keuntungan melihat ke belakang memberikan kekayaan pada wawasan kita. Wayan Suastama mengeksplorasi tema rekreasi dan liburan selama dua periode berbeda dalam hidupnya. Menjelajahi tema-tema ini bukanlah sesuatu yang dia pikirkan. Ini adalah subjek dan tema yang terjadi secara alami, .. secara kebetulan pada dua fase yang sangat berbeda dalam karirnya dan dalam kondisi sosial dan ekonomi yang sangat berbeda.

Text Excerpt

Bahasa Kawi/Kuno

In English

Visual Records of Changing Times These paintings from the first collection are mainly from 2010. Employing a visual aesthetic that speaks the same language. In line, contour and compositional balance, the calm illustrative polish emits a calming, idyllic atmosphere. We get drawn into a literal narrative that brings to mind a storybook. The artist reveals a world that is balanced, with little disruptions, despite the different emotional scenarios occurring within each painting. The marks of traditional Balinese aesthetic, its linearity, use of pattern and repetition create a nostalgic postcard picture of life on the holiday island of Bali.

In Balinese

In Indonesian
