Satya Cipta

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In English

The struggles of Balinese women take on a new life in the art work of Lombok-born Balinese artist, Satya Cipta.

“My approach to every artwork revolves around a question to myself and mostly other women,” she said. “What is a woman in Bali? Are we ‘complementary’ beings? Are we social creatures made to accompany men live their lives?”

Her work draws on social reality with a strong substance of feminism. She does this whilst preserving artistic teachings from Balinese traditional techniques, which she believes should be a national asset, in hopes to imbue an authentic Balinese spirit in full, sans western influence.

Read more about Satya's work and women of Bali here:

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Satya Cipta, lahir 1988. Dia menamatkan pendidikan seni teater di Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ). Pengalaman pameran seni rupanya, antara lain “Déjà Vu” di La Salle College of Arts Singapore (2017), “Vidyadiva” di Taman Budaya Bali (2018), “Celebration of The Future” di AB.BC Building, Nusa Dua (2018), “Bali Megarupa” (2019). Tahun 2018 dia menggelar pameran tunggal bertajuk “A Budding Talent” di Museum Puri Lukisan-Ubud. Karya-karyanya banyak mengangkat persoalan perempuan yang dikemas dalam teknik seni lukis tradisional Bali. Dia menetap di Bali.

Contoh karya

Satya-cipta--EXULTATIONS chinese-ink vermillion 24k-Gold-on-a-hot-pressed-paper 57cmx76cm -640gsm 2019.jpg