Nungkalik International Art Festival

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Nungkalik International Art Festival
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Related Place
Place Denpasar, Place Pantai Sanur, Place Sawidji Gallery Ubud
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In English

Nungkalik International Art Festival

Art Festival debuting in 2023 by Institute of Art Denpasar, founded on themes discussed by Dr. Sujana Suklu. Featuring Artists Bambang Herras, Agung Gunawan, Martina Feirtag, Diwarupa, Made Kaek, Putu Bonuz Sudiana, Robert Martin, Galung Wiratmaja, Steve Bolton, Dewi Dian Reich, Ketut Sumerjana and Dr. Mas Ruscitadewi. Nungkalik International Art Festival. An introduction to a contemporary art festival debuting this year in Bali that is in its early stages already showing signs of extraordinary possibilities. In nature Nungkalik is bold, experimental and conceptual. Centred on the idea offered by artist and lecturer Dr. Sujana Suklu that artists on a daily basis are subconsciously learning a universal intuitiveness whilst responding to the world throughout their lives.

That is to say, whether through their movements, musical or visual expressions as well as verbal interactions. Their bodies and memories compile experiences that keep developing and transforming with each day that passes. Their sensitivity to phenomena that occurs outside of themselves inevitably gets stronger and becomes a substantive sensitivity in their respective internal worlds. We may say this transforms into an instinctive sensitivity that does not require conscious deliberation when external elements circle close to their internal world.

The Premise of Nungkalik Art Festival

Artists are invited to participate in this experimental study, from different backgrounds, geographic locations as well as varying creative disciplines. Throughout the festival, community members with specialty areas in sociology, psychology, education and music were also invited to participate and observe. The global theme for the Nungkalik International Art Festival 2023 was introduced as ‘Exploring Archetypes’ with specific explorations on associated concepts during each workshop day.

Participating artists were involved in these workshops together with members of the Fine Arts and Performance Arts student body. Our day beginning with a discussion circle. Together exchanging thoughts and ideas about the proposed themes and the significance of the chosen mediums. Within these discussions, it is interesting how very naturally, abstract ideas and concepts were articulated by all artists.

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