Wayang Wong

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Type of Performance
Photo reference
Tari Topeng
Musicians, group or orchestra
  • Pengempon Pura Taman Pule
Singer(s)/Dancer(s) or troupe
  • Pengempon Pura Taman Pule
Place of origin
Desa Mas
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In English

Wayang Wong is one of the classical Balinese theatre dances where all the dancers wear masks. Wayang Wong at Taman Pule Temple, Mas-Ubud village, takes on the Ramayana play with the main character Rama and an army of monkeys preparing to recapture his wife Dewi Sita.

Pura Taman Pule is a Temple in the village of Mas, Ubud in Bali. This mask dance is unique and is only performed here in this Temple. It is not performed outside of its grounds. A set of masks of the characters from the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics are kept in the Temple.No one can say for certain where these masks originated. There are no certain records of the mask carver or how they came to be in the safekeeping of the Temple. That information perhaps has been lost as a result of conflict or war in history. ..

The Sacred Wayang Wong of Pura Taman Pule is closely related to ceremonial rituals at the Temple. It is also considered ‘Pemuput Karya’. The dance indicates that the ceremony undertaken at the Temple is complete. Another such Dance is the Tari Topeng Sidakarya.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Wayang Wong adalah salah satu tari teater klasik Bali yang semua penarinya memakai topeng. Wayang Wong di Pura Taman Pule, desa Mas-Ubud, mementaskan lakon Ramayana dengan tokoh utama Rama dan sepasukan monyet bersiap merebut kembali istrinya Dewi Sita.

Pura Taman Pule adalah sebuah Pura di desa Mas, Ubud di Bali. Tari topeng ini unik dan hanya ditampilkan di Pura ini. Itu tidak dilakukan di luar wilayahnya. Seperangkat topeng tokoh-tokoh dari epos Ramayana dan Mahabharata disimpan di Pura. Tidak ada yang bisa mengatakan secara pasti dari mana topeng ini berasal. Tidak ada catatan pasti tentang pemahat topeng atau bagaimana mereka bisa disimpan di Kuil. Informasi itu mungkin telah hilang akibat konflik atau perang dalam sejarah. ..

Keramat Wayang Wong Pura Taman Pule erat kaitannya dengan ritual upacara di Pura. Itu juga dianggap 'Pemuput Karya'. Tarian tersebut menandakan bahwa upacara yang dilakukan di Pura sudah selesai. Tarian serupa lainnya adalah Tari Topeng Sidakarya.

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