Tjandra Hutama

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Full Name
Tjandra Hutama
Pen Name
Photograph by
Dewi Dian Reich
Link to Photograph
Website for biography
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In English

Born in Gianyar in 1981, his interest in visual arts and design led to the study of Visual Communication design at the Institute of Technology Surabaya in 2000. As an out-of-state student from Bali, he worked part-time to support his studies. Jobs involving photography and graphic design began in these early stages. He graduated in 2005 and set out to start his own business in Graphic Design and Digital printing in 2006. His business channel exposed him to many content creators, photographers, writers and artists. Providing a wide network within Balis’ artist community.

Although Tjandra focused these days on establishing his business, regular involvement in creative projects inspired him to develop his potential through photography. Through involvement with Bali Photographers Association. During this period of self-development and creative soul-searching Tjandra participated in many photography competitions and exhibitions with many notable awards and titles from 2010.

The calibre of his work and leadership skills consequently earned him the trust of the community to serve as Head of the Bali Photographers’ Association for two terms, from 2016 until 2022. He is still an active member of the Federation Indonesia Photo Art Association.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Penggiat fotografi kelahiran Gianyar Bali 1981 mengawali hobinya bermain visual saat menjalani kuliah Desain Komunikasi Visual di Institut Teknologi Surabaya di tahun 2000. Sebagai mahasiswa rantauan dari Bali,mengharuskannya aktif berkerja paruh waktu untuk mememuhi biaya hidup di Surabaya. Pekerjaan yang bersentuhan dengan fotografi dandesain menjadi keseharian, sampai akhirnya lulus kuliah pada tahun 2005. Ketertarikan dengan fotografi & dunia visual membulatkan tekadnya untuk membangun bisnis Graphic Design & Digital Printing di tahun 2006. Banyaknya pelanggan dari kalangan content creator, photographer, penulis buku, dan perupa mejadi sebuah jaringan yang kuat dalam berkesenian sampai saat ini. Rutinitas yang bersinggunan dengan kreatifitas dan seni memicu Tjandra Hutama untuk mengembangkan potensi diri melalui komuniatas fotografi, Perhimpunan Fotografer Bali. Selanjutnya turut aktif mengikuti Salon Foto Indonesia, pameran fotografi dan kerap memenangkan kompetisi

fotografi sejak tahun 2010. Keaktifannya dalam komunitas fotografi dipercaya menjadi ketua PFB

Perhimpunan Fotografer Bali) periode 2016-2019, 2019-2022, dan saat ini tetap aktif dalam kepengurusan Dewan Pertimbangan Gelar PFB. Di kancah nasional, Tjandra Hutama turut serta menjadi bagian kepengurusan FPSI (Federasi Perkumpulan Senifoto Indonesia) serta kerap diundang sebagai pembicara dan juri lomba foto.

Examples of work

Awareness of the meaning of the essence of Tri Pramana where human existence in the world actually has the same place and position. Even though in this birth there are limitations and differences between them, all will experience death and continue the next life until moksha is achieved. Each individual still has advantages and disadvantages that can complement each other for current life.
An Anthology World Without Sound, was responded by several artists & writers who share the same vision to awaken our sensitivity in understanding, exploring, and making sense of the reality of world without sound, and distribute the message to the public from different perspectives.

Behind The Artwork : Butterflies need natural resources, such as plants and flowers, for food and places to lay their eggs. Butterflies do not like urban noise, such as vehicles, construction and other human activities can annoy butterflies and affect their behavior. Butterflies rely heavily on their visual perception and olfactory abilities, which are important in finding food and mates. Noise can interfere with the ability of butterflies to communicate and pay attention to their surroundings. In addition, constant noise can cause stress and anxiety in butterflies. Therefore, butterflies prefer a calm, peaceful environment and clean air.

Reflection :

"The instinct to seek peace and happiness is the reference for every human being's life. The butterfly philosophy teaches humans to be more flexible, open, courageous, patient, and respect differences. This is a useful lesson for human life in various aspects of life."
In this series ‘Rejang, a Beautiful Reminder of Impermanence’, the themes of beauty, impermanence and time are explored. Tjandra Hutama has won many awards in photography competitions. It is the saturation of pictorial beauty that he encountered throughout those years that prompted this need to reflect something deeper about our perception of beauty. To remind us of its impermanence and of its limitations. Physical beauty that is subject to decay and deconstruction is merged with representations of the spiritual and sacred. Elements that are timeless and infinite. Within the layers of Rejang images, the beauty of the dancers is merged with the textures of broken-down buildings, decaying walls, brittle wood, leaves, rust, ash and dust. Despite this, what we see is still beautiful. These textures that are introduced into the work represent the five elements known as Panca Maha-Bhuta. The elements that are the basis of all cosmic creation as believed in Hinduism.
Rejang A Beautiful Reminder of Impermanence
Rejang Dancer 015 Tjandra Hutama.jpg
Rejang is a sacred Balinese dance, a sacrificial dance in which the girls symbolically offer themselves to the gods. It is held in the Hindu Temples of Klungkung Regency and Karangasem Regency in Bali, Indonesia. ‘Rejang’ means ‘offering’. This dance is performed to greet the gods that descend to the Earth.

In this series ‘Rejang, a Beautiful Reminder of Impermanence’, the themes of beauty, impermanence and time are explored. Tjandra Hutama has won many awards in photography competitions. It is the saturation of pictorial beauty that he encountered throughout those years that prompted this need to reflect something deeper about our perception of beauty. To remind us of its impermanence and of its limitations.

(Read full article at Sawidji Gallery reference cited)