A Reminder - Bali Bomb Survivor

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A Reminder - Bali Bomb Survivor
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        In English

        Ngesti Puji Rahayu (Yayuk) the Bali Bomb 2002 survivor who works as an assistant in a villa owned by German expatriat in Kerobokan, Bali. During the Bali Bombing tragedy in 2002 she was at Paddys Club with her friends. She got injured in her face, left hand and almost of her body and being operated in Australia with a help from YKIP Foundation (Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi).

        She was born in Jember, East Java in 1962, Yayuk was a survivor of the first Bali bombing on Oct. 12, 2002....

        Yayuk is a strong woman, one of many survivors who have live their lives with reminders of the tragedy. Her reminders are physical and visible. She is our reminder of that tragic day, but with her words, “My religion doesn’t teach hatred,” she is also our reminder to always seek for peace and tolerance....

        See full article at https://www.nowbali.co.id/a-reminder-bali-bomb-survivor/

        In Balinese

        In Indonesian

        Ngesti Puji Rahayu (Yayuk) korban Bom Bali 2002 yang bekerja sebagai asisten di sebuah vila milik ekspatriat Jerman di Kerobokan, Bali. Saat tragedi Bom Bali tahun 2002 dia berada di Paddys Club bersama teman-temannya. Ia mengalami luka di bagian wajah, tangan kiri dan hampir seluruh tubuhnya dan sedang dioperasi di Australia atas bantuan Yayasan YKIP (Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi).

        Lahir di Jember, Jawa Timur pada tahun 1962, Yayuk adalah salah satu penyintas bom Bali I pada 12 Oktober 2002.

        Yayuk adalah wanita yang kuat, salah satu dari banyak orang yang selamat yang telah menjalani hidup mereka dengan pengingat akan tragedi itu. Pengingatnya bersifat fisik dan terlihat. Dia adalah pengingat kita akan hari yang tragis itu, tetapi dengan kata-katanya, “Agama saya tidak mengajarkan kebencian,”