Review: Bali, 50 years of changes

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Revision as of 22:36, 3 October 2022 by Desyapriliani (talk | contribs)
Title of article (Indonesian)
Ulasan: Bali, 50 tahun Perubahan
Title of article (Balinese)
Original title language
Title (other local language)
  • bali culture
  • social pattern
  • Bali life
  • religious life
Title of Journal
Inside Indonesia
Volume and Issue number
Date of Publication
Page Numbers
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    Related Books
    • 50 Years of Changes: A Conversation with Jean Couteau (Book Bali
    • 50 Years of Changes: A Conversation with Jean Couteau)
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      In English

      In Bali: 50 Years of Changes: A Conversation with Jean Couteau, Eric Buvelot and Jean Couteau have produced an intricate, sweeping, and controversial picture of Balinese consciousness, social patterns, and religious life, as well as Bali’s place within the national framework of Indonesia. It is doubtless the most ambitious attempt to present a holistic view of the island since Fred Eiseman, Jr.’s Bali: Sekala and Niskala (1990), or Adrian Vickers’ Bali: A Paradise Created (1989). Yet this is not a historical narrative, or the culmination of years of comprehensive research on a particular topic. Instead we find a series of transcribed conversations between two expatriates: Buvelot, a journalist based on the island since 1995, and Couteau, a renowned writer, social observer and commentator intimately involved with Bali since the 1970s.

      In Balinese

      In Indonesian

      Bali: 50 Years of Changes: A Conversation with Jean Couteau, Eric Buvelot dan Jean Couteau telah menghasilkan gambaran yang rumit, menyapu, dan kontroversial tentang kesadaran, pola sosial, dan kehidupan keagamaan Bali, serta posisi Bali dalam kerangka nasional Indonesia. Tidak diragukan lagi, ini adalah upaya paling ambisius untuk menyajikan pemandangan pulau yang holistik sejak Fred Eiseman, Jr.'s Bali: Sekala and Niskala (1990), atau Adrian Vickers' Bali: A Paradise Created (1989). Namun karya ini bukanlah narasi sejarah, atau puncak dari penelitian komprehensif bertahun-tahun tentang topik tertentu. Alih-alih, kami menemukan serangkaian transkrip percakapan antara dua ekspatriat: Buvelot, seorang jurnalis yang tinggal di pulau itu sejak 1995, dan Couteau, seorang penulis, pengamat sosial, dan komentator terkenal yang terlibat erat dengan Bali sejak 1970-an.