Property:Processing error message

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Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Property "Balinese word" (as page type) with input value "Á læo yu [" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Writer" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "Tree up to 25-35 m, hemi-epiphytic, at terrestrial as planted tree, evergreen or deciduous; leaves spirally arranged; lamina (broadly) ovate to cordiform; branches drying (reddish) brown (to blackish); fruit axillary or just below the leaves, in pairs or solitary" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Property "Balinese word" (as page type) with input value "h\á]rùr" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".

Property "Holiday information text" (as page type) with input value "Anggara Kasih is also called Anggara Kliwon day and repeats every thirty-five days. If in one week there is a Tumpek day (see the entry "Tumpek Landep" or six other types of Tumpek days), then Anggara kliwon day falls in the second week after the week of the tumpek. So, in one Bali pawukon period (30 wukus—210 days), there are six Anggara Kasih days, as many as Tumpeks, Buda Kliwons and Buda Cemengs.

About why the day of Anggara kliwon is celebrated is contained in various parts of the Vedic scriptures. Two of them are Vastu Sastra and Surya Siddhanta. Both sacred texts contain astronomy, astrology and elemental metaphysics. Elemental metaphysics is a sublime study that studies the relationship of natural energy with human life.

It is stated in the scriptures that Tuesday is called Anggara because that day is controlled by the planet Mars. In Vedic astronomy and astrology, Mars and Saturn are planets that have malevic influence with enormous strength. Therefore, efforts are needed to neutralize the adverse effects of the two planets. Likewise, the "kliwon" day which falls once every five days is the peak day when natural energy fluctuates. The combination of Tuesday and Kliwon causes Angara Kasih to be a sacred day.

Like the day of Tumpek, on the day of Anggara Kasih, the Hindus presents segehan (an offering—mixture of various colored rice, ginger, onions and salt) in front of the house and yard. Hindus also pray in holy places, asking for holy water for safety and prosperity." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Property "Holiday information text id" (as page type) with input value "Anggara kasih juga disebut hari Anggara kliwon dan berulang setiap tia puluh lima hari sekali. Jika dalam satu minggu terdapat sebuah hari Tumpek (lihat entri “Tumpek Landep” atau enam jenis hari Tumpek lainnya), maka hari Anggara kliwon jatuh di minggu kedua setelah minggu tumpek. Jadi, dalam satu periode pawukon Bali (30 wuku), ada enam kali Anggara kasih, sebanyak Tumpek, Buda Kliwon dan Buda Cemeng.

Tentang mengapa hari Anggara kliwon dirayakan termuat dalam berbagai bagian kitab suci Weda. Dua di antaranya adalah Vastu Sastra dan Surya Siddhanta. Kedua kitab ini memuat tentang ilmu astronomi, astrologi dan metafisika elementer. Metafisika elementer adalah ilmu sublim yang mempelajari tentang hubungan energi alam dengan kehidupan manusia.

Dinyatakan bahwa hari selasa dissebut Anggara karena hari ini dikuasai oleh planet Mars. Dalam astronomi dan astrologi Veda, Mars dan Saturnus adalah planet yang membawa pengaruh buruk dan kekuatannya sangat besar. Karena itu, perlu ada upaya-upaya untuk menetralisir efek buruk kedua planet tersebut. Demikian pula, hari “kliwon” yang jatuh setiap lima hari sekali adalah hari puncak di mana semua energi alam menjadi fluktuatif. Gabungan antara hari Selasa dan hari kliwon menyebabkan Angara Kasih menjadi hari yang keramat dan sakral.

Seperti hari tumpek, pada hari Anggara kasih umat Hindu mempersembahkan segehan (campuran nasi berbagai warna, jahe, bawang dan garam) di depan dan halaman rumah. Umat Hindu juga bersembahyang di tempat suci, memohon air suci demi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Property "Holiday information text ban" (as page type) with input value "Anggara kasih taler kasengguh rahina Anggara kliwon tur rauh nyabran sasur lemeng. Yening ring awuku wenten rahina Tumpek (cingakin entri “Tumpek Landep” utawi nem soroh Tumpek sane lianan), rahina Anggara Kliwon rauh ring wuku kaping kalih sawusan wuku matumpek. Dadosne, ring aputeran pawukon Bali (30 wuku), wenten nem Anggara kasih, pateh akehne sakadi Tumpek, Buda Kliwon lan Buda Cemeng.

Indik kawentenan rahina Anggara kliwon sane kamargiang olih kramane munggah ring makeh sastra suci Wedane. Kalih pinaka conto inggih punika Wastu Sastra lan Surya Siddhanta. Maka kalih sastra puniki madaging sakancan widya indik astronomi, astrologi lan metafisika elementer. Metafisika elementer inggih punika kawidyan sane ngenenin indik paiketan energi ring bhuwana agung lan kahuripan i manusa.

Kabawos irika, rahina Anggara kagambel olih Planet Mars pinaka ratuning dina Anggara. Ring kawidyan astronomi kalih astrologi Veda, Mars lan Saturnus inggih punika planet sane makta prabawa kaon tur ageng pisan. Nika mawinan, patut wenten utsaha nyomia prabawa kaon saking makakalih planet punika. Pateh sakadi punika, rahina “kliwon” sane rauh nyabran limang rahina inggih punika rahina puncak ritatkala makasami energi bhuwana agunge mebet ngajogjag. Patemon rahina Anggara lan rahina kliwon punika mawinan Angara Kasih dados rahina sane banget kasuciang tur keramat.

Pateh sakadi Tumpek, ring rahina Anggara kasih para krama Hindune ngaturang segehan (lelabaan sane pinih alit) ring lebuh lan natah paumahan. Kramane taler mabhakti ring merajan utawi pura, nunas wangsuhpada tur paica karahayuan lan karahajengan." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Property "Balinese word" (as page type) with input value "h n m y eKÿ ]." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".