Property:Word translations

From BASAbaliWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
spirit  +, pengawal  +
peg wood  +, benchmark  +, down payment  +,
lipstick  +, lipstik  +, gincu  +,
lift  +, angkat  +
jumping up and down  +, jump around  +, meloncat-loncat  +,
burn  +, sulut  +, bakar  +
ignite  +, sulutkan  +
disulutkannya  +
start a fire  +, menyulut api  +, suluti  +
he/she ignited  +, disulutinya  +
remote place  +, rural area  +, tempat terpencil  +
three  +
obstacle  +, blockage  +, {ngan.dang} menghalangi  +
small drill to make holes in wood, sheath of keris, etc.  +, gurdi  +, jara  +,
stop  +, hold  +, delay  +,
rely upon  +, dipercaya  +, diharap  +
guarantee  +, uang kepeng/coin for the ceremony  +, jaminan  +,
reliable  +, harapan  +
restrained  +, halting  +, tertahan-tahan  +
amis  +, fishy  +, rancid  +,