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SU3LIM (read: sublime) is a musical composition by I Putu Swaryandana Ichi Oka, a musician and composer from Banjar Pande, Sayan, Ubud, Gianyar. Currently Ryan (composer's nickname) is pursuing a Master's degree at the Indonesian Art Institute, Denpasar. SU3LIM takes the meaning of the word 'sublimes' which indicates the meaning of change. In terms of musical composition, composer refers to a change in the perspective on the function and aesthetics of Balinese gamelan instruments. In addition, the word SU3LIM in this musical composition consists of two syllables "Sub" and "lim" which stands for Subdivision Five which dominates the dimensions in this musical work. The use of the number 3 instead of the letter "B" in the word SU3LIM, is a sign that there are 3 functions of gamelan instruments used in this musical composition, namely; Jegog as a melodic line marker; Ugal as a marker (controller) gending; Gangsa as isen isen, which is worked into a single unit in its function of playing song patterns that have been arranged in a systematic and structured manner.  +
Sandaran Lelangit is an instrumental piece that is inspired by the classical style music of Banjar Intaran, Sanur. Sandaran is another name for Telek, a manifestation of God in the form of a mask that is performed on every odalan, temple ceremony. Literally, Sandaran can be interpreted as a place to lean on, while Lelangit is a term to mention the ancestors worshiped by the Balinese. Sandaran Lelangit has the meaning of a place for the ancestors to 'lean' during the ceremony. In a musical context, this work tries to present a magical and aesthetic atmosphere at the arrival of the ancestors during the ceremony. The strains of classical melodies with the typical ornamentation of the classical Sandaran melody are the main choice. Sandaran Lelangit is a re-interpretation and re-format of classical musical instruments that developed in Sanur, Bali.  +
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Satya Bharasta is a tari kreasi (composed and choreographed by the renowned I Nyoman Cerita) for six male dancers. This dance portrays the battle between Karna, the viceroy of Awangga and ally of the Kurawa; and Gatotkaca, the flying son of the Pandawa brother Bima of the Mahabharata. Due to unusual circumstances surrounding Gatotkaca's birth, it was foretold that he would die by a special arrow called Konta Wijayakusuma, which Karna possesses. The dance features a rather ingenious formation of Karna's chariot, complete with wheels (via rotating temple umbrellas or pajeng) and a bucking horse. The dance ended with the death of Gatot Kaca by Konta Wijayakusuma.  +
Sekar Jepun is a piece of pure music. After the orchestra has entered, the reong twice commences an improvisation. After this, the gangsa ensemble decorates the melody announced by the flute. Sekar Jepun is a fairly recent composition. The interpretation by the gong kebyar of Peliatan is especially notable for the extreme precision of the attacks and the wide range of nuances.  +
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