Rosvita Flaviana Osin

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Full Name
Rosvita Flaviana Osin
Pen Name
Rosvita Flaviana Osin
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In Indonesian

Rosvita adalah staf dosen di Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia, Triatma Mapindo Badung, Bali. Rosvita menamatkan studi sarjana dan masternya dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Triatma Mulya, Denpasar Bali dengan kualifikasi manajemen perhotelan dan pariwisata untuk masing-masing strata. Sebagai penulis di bidang pariwisata/perhotelan, beragam topik yang menjadi fokus tulisan Rosvita meliputi strategi pengembangan desa wisata, serta peran peremuan dan milenial di bidang pariwisata.

Examples of work

Pic Osin PerempuanBaliSPA.png
This study aims to overview the existence of women in Badung Regency who work in the Spa industry and find out the economic, social and cultural roles and implications who work in the Spa industry. This study uses quantitative and qualitative data. The technique of data collection is done through informant interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results showed overall of 20 spa therapists 85 percent had revealed that they experienced an increase in quality of life after working in the spa industry. Balinese women in the Spa industry have strength in terms of friendly, smiling, honest attitude and high work skills. Its weaknesses include lower English language skills, low motivation to occupy positions, lack of confidence, lack of competency certification. The job opportunity is very high, Bali's tourism potential, Spa is a promising industry, has high priority. Threats faced are changes in consumer tastes and business competition. The role and implications of Balinese women working in the Spa industry (a) economic implications of Balinese women being able to help families to increase family income. (b) The social implications of Balinese women being able to improve their social status themselves and their families. (c) cultural implications of Balinese women being able to preserve their culture.
Pic Osin Model development tourism village.png
The area of Nyambu and Baru Marga Village, Tabanan Regency is very potential to be developed. This village has interesting natural characteristics, unique social and cultural life. In its development, it is necessary to pay attention to the existence of the millennial generation where currently tourism travel is dominated by millennials and grows in a digital environment. This research is a descriptive qualitative research and quantitative descriptive. Qualitative research is used to determine the role of the millennial generation in developing tourist villages. Quantitative research is conducted to determine the characteristics and motivation of millennial tourists by using frequency analysis. This study used 100 respondents who represented the characteristics and motivations of millennial tourists in Bali as well as semi-structured interviews with 6 people who needed to be known. The results of this study indicate that the age group between 20-25, totaling 75 people, is a potential market in promoting and introducing more about Nyambu and Baru Marga tourism villages. The highest number of millennial tourists visiting tourist villages is from the type of work as students as much as 46%. It is known that the majority of tourists visiting tourist villages are male with a percentage of 54%. Motivation is a determining factor for millennial tourists to take a tour of the survey results of 100 respondents, 76% stated that visiting the tourist village of Nyambu and Desa Baru Marga Tabanan because of natural attractions.
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