AG Pramono

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Full Name
AG Pramono
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In English

AG Pramono was born in Negara, Bali on March 23, 1973. He has been involved in theatre and literary arts since 1990. He founded Sanggar Susur Jembrana in 1991. His writings in the form of short stories, poems and cultural articles have been published in several media. A number of his poems can be found in the following anthologies: Poetry 19 (1995), Kidung Kawijayan (1996), Detak (1997), Indonesian Poetry Anthology (KSI) Jakarta in 1997, Serambi Hening (1998) and Stopping Short Stories in Rumahmu (2014). Since 1993, he has been active in Bali Experimental Theater and in 1998 participated in the Komunitas Kertas Budaya. He is currently working as a journalist in one of the local newspapers in Bali and lives in a small house named Serambi Hening in Loloan Timur, Jembrana, Bali.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

AG Pramono lahir di Negara, Bali, 23 Maret 1973. Mengawali keterlibatan teater dan seni sastra sejak tahun 1990. Pernah mendirikan Sanggar Susur Jembrana tahun 1991.Tulisan berupa cerpen, puisi serta artikel budaya dimuat di beberapa media. Sejumlah puisinya, terhimpun dalam buku antologi Puisi 19 ( tahun 1995), Kidung Kawijayan (1996), Detak (1997), Antologi Puisi Indonesia (KSI) Jakarta tahun 1997, Serambi Hening (1998) dan Cerita Pendek Berhenti di Rumahmu (2014).. Sejak tahun 1993 aktif di Bali Eksperimental Teater serta tahun 1998 ikut dalam Komunitas Kertas Budaya. Kini bekerja sebagai jurnalis di salah satu koran lokal di Bali dan sekarang tinggal di rumAh kecil Serambi Hening, Loloan Timur , Jembrana.

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