Ketut Teja Astawa

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Full Name
Ketut Teja Astawa
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In English

Ketut Teja Astawa, born in Sanur, Bali, 1971. He completed his art education at ISI Denpasar. He has held many joint exhibitions, both at home and abroad, such as Bali: Return Economy, Fremantle Art Centre, Perth, Australia (2014). His solo exhibitions include: TW(IN)SIDE at Kendra Gallery, Kuta (2013), A Glimpse Back Into The Past: Early Paintings of Ketut Teja Astawa at Art Temporary Space, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia (2012), Fragments of Subconscious Memory at Tonyraka Art Gallery, Ubud (2011), Batman Forever at Sunjin Gallery, Singapore (2009), Works Of Ketut Teja Astawa, Roemah Roepa Gallery, Jakarta (2008). Many of his works depict the lives of animals, puppet characters, which he uses in a naive and colorful way. He combines Kamasan wayang painting techniques with modern techniques. In 2001 his work was included in the Finalist Philip Morris Art Award Indonesia.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ketut Teja Astawa, lahir di Sanur, Bali, 1971. Menamatkan pendidikan seni rupa di ISI Denpasar. Dia telah menggelar banyak pameran bersama, di dalam maupun luar negeri, seperti Bali: Return Economy, Fremantle Art Centre, Perth, Australia (2014). Pameran tunggalnya, antara lain: TW(IN)SIDE di Kendra Gallery, Kuta (2013), A Glimpse Back Into The Past: Early Paintings of Ketut Teja Astawa di Art Temporary Space, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia (2012), Fragments of Subconscious Memory di Tonyraka Art Gallery, Ubud (2011), Batman Forever di Sunjin Gallery, Singapore (2009), Works Of Ketut Teja Astawa, Gallery Roemah Roepa, Jakarta (2008). Karya-karyanya banyak mengangkat kehidupan binatang, tokoh wayang, yang diolahnya dengan gaya naif dan penuh permainan warna. Dia memadukan teknik lukis wayang Kamasan dengan teknik modern. Tahun 2001 karyanya masuk dalam Finalist Philip Morris Art Award Indonesia.

Examples of work

karya 1
Patrol Area, 200 x 300 cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2015, IDR 200 juta.jpg
karya 2
karya 3