Ketut Putrayasa

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Full Name
Ketut Putrayasa
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In English

Ketut Putrayasa is an artist born in Kerobokan, Badung, Bali, May 15, 1981. In 2019, for the “Berawa Beach Arts Festival”, he shocked Berawa Beach with his installation of a giant octopus made of bamboo. In the event entitled "Deep Blue Spirit", dozens of artists from across the arts responded to the giant octopus with performances of music, dance, poetry, and video art. Still in 2019, Putrayasa was invited by the Architecture and Interior Design Company to work on the Project Commission Artwork in Paris, France. In 2020, he performed the installation art "Pandora Paradise" at the Puputan Badung square, Denpasar. Ketut Putrayasa studied fine arts at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar until the Postgraduate Program in Art Creation. He won the Best Final Project (TA) from ISI Denpasar in 2014. He often participates in joint exhibitions, including the “BIASA” group sculpture exhibition at the Pendet Museum, Ubud (2004), “Sign of Art” in Belgium (2008), “ Kuta Art Chromatic” in Kuta (2003), “Articulation” in Kuta (2014), “Chronotope” at Rich Stone Bali (2015), “Skala” sculpture triennale at the Jakarta National Gallery (2017), “Art Unlimited” at the Gas building Negara Bandung (2018), “Bali Megarupa” in Bentara Budaya Bali (2019), and so on. Apart from being active in his work, Putrayasa has also joined “MilitanArt”, an art community that drives the life of fine art in Bali.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ketut Putrayasa adalah seniman kelahiran Kerobokan, Badung, Bali, 15 Mei 1981. Pada tahun 2019, dalam rangka “Berawa Beach Arts Festival”, dia menghebohkan Pantai Berawa dengan karya instalasinya berupa gurita raksasa yang dibuat dari bambu. Dalam acara bertajuk “Deep Blue Spirit” itu, puluhan seniman dari lintas seni merespon gurita raksasa itu dengan pertunjukan musik, tari, puisi, video art. Masih pada tahun 2019, Putrayasa diundang oleh Company Arsitektur and Interior Design menggarap Project Comision Artwork di Paris, Perancis. Tahun 2020, dia menampilkan seni instalasi "Pandora Paradise" di alun-alun Puputan Badung, Denpasar. Ketut Putrayasa menempuh pendidikan seni rupa di Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar hingga Program Pascasarjana Penciptaan Seni. Dia meraih karya Tugas Akhir (TA) Terbaik dari ISI Denpasar tahun 2014. Dia sering mengikuti pameran bersama, antara lain pameran patung kelompok “BIASA” di Museum Pendet, Ubud (2004), “Sign of Art” di Belgia (2008), “Kuta Art Chromatic” di Kuta (2003), “Articulation” di Kuta (2014), “Chronotope” di Rich Stone Bali (2015), trienale patung “Skala” di Galeri Nasional Jakarta (2017), “Art Unlimited” di gedung Gas Negara Bandung (2018), “Bali Megarupa” di Bentara Budaya Bali (2019), dan sebagainya. Selain aktif berkarya, Putrayasa juga bergabung dengan “MilitanArt”, salah satu komunitas seni yang menggerakkan kehidupan seni rupa di Bali.

Examples of work

Pandora Paradise