Heaven Feels Like Hell

From BASAbaliWiki

This is a Response to the Pariwisata Berkelanjutan wikithon


Bali pinaka pulo suargan. Yadiastun kasengguh kadi asapunika, sakemaon wenten pikobet sane ageng, inggih punika overtourism.

Pariwisata sepatutnyane prasida ngamolihin pikenoh, sakemaon akeh para turise sane maparilaksana kaon. Ring Bali sisi kelod, akeh luu sane nenten ring genahnyane, lan wenten turis sane melalung rikala memontoran. Data saking BPS, wenten 6.2 yuta wong dura negara melancaran ke Bali. Pulo Bali sane alit puniki nenten mresidayang menampung turis sane akeh. Panagara sakadi Italia lan Belanda sampun madue awig-awig indik pembatasan para turis sane melancaran ring genahnyane. Napi mawinan Bali nenten ngawentenang awig-awig sakadi punika?

Wenten sane ngojarang, yening turise puniki prasida anggen nincapang ekonomi iragane mangda becik. Sakemaon yening Bali sampun karusak, napikeh wenten sane pacang rauh melancarang ring Bali? Indike punika mangda Guru Wisesane ngaryanin awig-awig sane ngewatesin para turise rauh ke Bali. Mangda  para turise ngaresepang, miwah nglaksanayang ajahan Tri Hita Karana, lan prioritaskan pariwisata sane berkelanjutan.

SMA Negeri 1 Baturiti.

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Anonymous user #1

5 days ago
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I agree that Bali can often feel like Hell rather than Paradise. As a frequent visitor I have never seen tourists behaving badly but Im sure a few do just because so many people come here. Ive never seen naked tourists on the beach but I have seen people bathing naked in the rivers. They were not tourists.Trash, potholes, traffic congestion and very dangerous driving are the key issues. Tourists cant be blamed for the trash because wherever you go in Bali there is lots and lots of trash. Its in the villages, its in the ricefields, in the the rivers and streams, its all over the black sand beaches in the North where there are very few tourists, the Temples are full of trash when everyone leaves after a ceremony as highlighted previously. In actual fact, only 10% of Bali has all the tourists. Many parts of Bali never see a foreign face. Everyone must work together to make Bali clean and pure again and people must ride their motorbikes safely and show consideration for other riders. May God bless the island of Bali and its wonderful people.
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