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Natures' Blossoms

Natures' Blossoms
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Related Place
Sawidji Gallery

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In English

Natures' Blossoms Portraiture Series. With our undeniable bond and complex relationship to that of our own visage and that of others, the exploration of portraiture continues. This time moving away from the individuality of self or our own personalities albeit psychologies. Instead we explore the identity of something greater than ourselves.

An exercise of empathy through the only way we know best.. through our own human limitations and emotive perceptions. A portrait of Nature through hypothetical ages and experiences.

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In Balinese

In Indonesian

Seri Potret Bunga Alam. Dalam ikatan kodrati dan hubungan kompleks kami terhadap wajah sendiri dan wajah orang lain, penjelajahan potret ini berlanjut. Kali ini, beranjak dari individualitas atau pribadi kami secara psikologi, kami menjelajahi identitas sesuatu yang lebih besar daripada diri kami.

Latihan empati melalui jalan satu-satunya yang kami pahami... melintasi batas manusiawi dan persepsi emosi kami. Sebuah potret alam lewat pengalaman dan usia yang sublim.

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