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Lost Signal

Lost Signal
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Fine Art
Related Place
Sawidji Gallery
Related Performance Arts

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In English

'Lost Signal' is part of Photography Series of the same name by Dewi Dian Reich. Writer, artist and photographer.

"My Grandfather speaks and walks these streets. He use to hold my hand, My Grandfather is ageless, his vision sharp and wisdom deep, Where is our playground? Why does he stumble? Is it my eyes that are careless of the nails and broken glass that would cut his feet? Or my ears that mute out his voice?

Did you not know there are sharp nails and broken glass that would cut his naked feet?

In Balinese

In Indonesian

'Lost Signal' adalah bagian dari Photography Series dengan nama yang sama oleh Dewi Dian Reich. Penulis, artis, dan fotografer.

"Kakek saya berbicara dan berjalan di jalan-jalan ini. Dia biasa memegang tangan saya, Kakek saya awet muda, visinya tajam dan kebijaksanaannya dalam, Di mana taman bermain kita? Kenapa dia tersandung? Apakah mataku yang lengah terhadap paku dan pecahan kaca yang akan melukai kakinya? Atau telingaku yang meredam suaranya?

Apakah Anda tidak tahu ada paku tajam dan pecahan kaca yang akan memotong kaki telanjangnya?