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Tumpek Wayang

tumpek Wayang

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  • A special day to give blessings to shadow puppet art. The offering is given to God Iswara, requesting everlasting, fun, and meaningful shadow puppet art. [Dispar Karangasem]

If a child is born in this week (wuku), a wayang performance will be done to protect the child. This may take place when the child is already a bit older -but always in the Wayang week, preferably on the Tumpek Wayang day. It falls on the Saturday of the 27th week of the Pawukon calendar. en

  • Pada hari ini diadakan yang berkenaan dengan kesenian khususnya Wayang, persembahan kehadapan Bhatara Iswara memohon agar kesenian itu lestari, menyenangkan, dan bertuah. [Dispar Karangasem] id
Tumpek Wayang
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Tree of life

Tumpek Wayang ceremony for 7-year-old Yulia in Sudamala, Bangli

Gamelan Gender is played during the Tumpek Wayang ceremony

Shadow puppets

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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