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A list of all pages that have property "Response text en" with value "Loremipsum". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Efforts to Reduce Plastic Waste During Religious Ceremonies  + (In my opinion, to reduce waste in religiouIn my opinion, to reduce waste in religious activities, it is important for us to appeal to the public about the use of natural, environmentally friendly materials during religious ceremonies, this can be done to replace plastic waste which is usually used in offerings. Apart from this, there is also a regulation by the Governor of Bali regarding plastic waste restrictions number 97 of 2018. Therefore, we can encourage the public to use reusable containers during ceremonies, such as bamboo caterpillar bowls and other tools. Then education about waste management to the community also needs to be carried out, so that they are willing to sort organic and inorganic waste after the ceremony is finished.anic waste after the ceremony is finished.)
  • Traditional Ceremony Waste  + (In my opinion, waste management during traIn my opinion, waste management during traditional ceremonies is an issue that should be a shared concern for the community. Traditional ceremonies, which are sacred and significant, sometimes result in piles of waste, particularly plastic and organic waste generated from these events.I believe that the traditional community, customary villages, and the government need to establish regulations that serve as guidelines for managing waste during ceremonies. The ceremonial waste should be sorted with a clear system, separating organic and inorganic waste so it can be properly processed. In this way, traditional ceremonies will not cause environmental problems but rather contribute to the preservation of the earth.For the best outcome, the community must unite to protect both tradition and the environment so that Bali remains sustainable and prosperous.t Bali remains sustainable and prosperous.)
  • waste needs attention  + (In my opinion, waste processing after prayIn my opinion, waste processing after prayer really needs to be done, in this case it requires the participation of the people who have finished praying by separating organic waste or leaf waste and inorganic or plastic waste.for example by making holes for organic waste or using it for fertilizer, while inorganic waste needs to be processed further, such as making handicrafts.essed further, such as making handicrafts.)
  • Waste Management Strategy resulting from traditional ceremonies  + (In my opinion, we can manage waste at reliIn my opinion, we can manage waste at religious ceremonies in several ways, namely:</br>1. Educate and invite local communities to manage the waste generated from religious ceremonies. </br>2. Provide more trash cans and waste management tools at religious ceremony sites. Due to the lack of availability of waste management facilities, there is no processing of religious ceremonial waste, which is generally dominated by organic waste which can be turned into compost. </br>3. Collaborate with authorities in the field of waste management around the temple to help smooth waste selection activities. </br>With these steps, it is hoped that waste management at religious ceremonies can be carried out to maintain a clean environment.rried out to maintain a clean environment.)
  • How we reduce the amount of waste in religion activities di Bali  + (In my opinion, we can take the first step In my opinion, we can take the first step ourselves, to by using sokasi/bokoran containers to carry prayer facilities and infrastructure when going to temples or carrying out religious activities. Apart from that, we can also make warning boards prohibiting the use of plastic bags in each holy place or place that will be used as a religious activity and we as local residents in the area around the place of religious activity can provide non-plastic containers or bokoran to be used as containers or places for prayer facilities. From the methods I have explained earlier, it is certain that the amount of plastic waste will gradually decrease in every religious activity. Another way that we can do, in my opinion, is that we can help local communities who hold religious activities to clean and sort existing plastic waste. to clean and sort existing plastic waste.)
  • Sorting the waste  + (In my opinion, we can take the first step In my opinion, we can take the first step ourselves, to by using sokasi/bokoran containers to carry prayer facilities and infrastructure when going to temples or carrying out religious activities. Apart from that, we can also make warning boards prohibiting the use of plastic bags in each holy place or place that will be used as a religious activity and we as local residents in the area around the place of religious activity can provide non-plastic containers or bokoran to be used as containers or places for prayer facilities. From the methods I have explained earlier, it is certain that the amount of plastic waste will gradually decrease in every religious activity. Another way that we can do, in my opinion, is that we can help local communities who hold religious activities to clean and sort existing plastic waste. to clean and sort existing plastic waste.)
  • organic waste processing  + (In my opinion, when there is a religious ceremony, there should be something called biopoly)
  • How We Can Help Reduce Waste in Temples  + (In my opinion, with the amount of rubbish In my opinion, with the amount of rubbish that is left after people or residents pray at temples, it would be best for us as citizens of Bali, which is famous for its thousand temples and their sustainability, to always maintain cleanliness, especially in the holy places we use for prayer. We can find that after praying there is flower waste, canang, as well as plastic waste and newspapers scattered in several places in the temple. Therefore, there are several ways that I can find to overcome or prevent or reduce the amount of rubbish strewn about in temples apart from not using plastic rubbish, namely, we can bring back the canang offerings that we use for prayer to throw away in nearby rubbish bins, and preferably in several places. Places or places that are often used to throw rubbish are placed in rubbish bins, and also we as residents around the temple can work together to clean up rubbish because we as a community are the ones who need to clean it up.nity are the ones who need to clean it up.)
  • Bali's environment is clean  + (In my view, an effective and efficient wayIn my view, an effective and efficient way to reduce waste in every religious activity is to use the principle of "recycling plastic into cloth". This principle can be applied with several activities such as prohibiting the use of plastic in every religious activity and replacing it with cloth and indeed if this It is not possible to replace plastic with cloth, it is fine if you want to bring plastic but it is best if the plastic brought by visitors must be brought back. This will minimize plastic waste in religious activities. For organic waste such as flowers, canang and others, it can be sorted and a special place can be made to be processed into useful things such as fertilizer. My advice is don't throw it away. Because organic waste has many benefits. Apart from that, so that waste is not scattered around, it is better to provide waste bins that are separated into organic and inorganic waste so that it is easier to process the that it is easier to process the waste.)
  • sedikit usaha untuk mengurangi sampah  + (In new era there's so many bag made by fabIn new era there's so many bag made by fabric and bamboo or plastic than we can reuse. That bag we should to use to put banten and flowers, so there's no plastic rubbish. In banten we should to reduce canang and flowers so we can reduce rubbish. Incense that we use should be short and don't use plastic or paper as wrap. And something we use to lighting the incense is Gas lighter not wooden lighter so there's no wooden lighter rubbish. Taman that we use to place of banten should to change by bokor (from silver or stainless steel) so we don't waste tamas. Place for daksina should change by something from bamboo so we can reuse. The place for tirta (holly water) should change by glass cup. Sesarit is also wrap by glass jar with jar lid so that can reuse. And the remainder should to take back to home the remainder should to take back to home)
  • how to handle security waste  + (In our school, there are Hindu religious cIn our school, there are Hindu religious ceremonies such as tilem, full moon, saraswati. In traditional ceremonies you will be asked to bring a canang which is only used to worship the goddess. We must preserve the environment around us, for example, don't carry canang in plastic but must use thread. and if there is leftover canang and incense, we can throw it in the trash. Therefore, traditional ceremonial waste consists of 80% organic material, in the form of bushes, don, coconuts, food and fruit waste, and plastic. Several efforts to eliminate traditional rituals include making aromatherapy incense from flower waste, vermicomposting, and making biofuel from plants. After the ceremony is finished, the remaining scattered flowers must be picked up and thrown into the trash. Hindus must maintain cleanliness in holy places, so that the place holy, clean and beautiful. that the place holy, clean and beautiful.)
  • how to deal with religious waste?  + (In our school, there are Hindu religious cIn our school, there are Hindu religious ceremonies such as tilem, full moon, saraswati. In traditional ceremonies you will be asked to bring a canang which is only used to worship the goddess. We must preserve the environment around us, for example, don't carry canang in plastic but must use thread. and if there is leftover canang and incense, we can throw it in the trash. Therefore, traditional ceremonial waste consists of 80% organic material, in the form of bushes, don, coconuts, food and fruit waste, and plastic. Several efforts to eliminate traditional rituals include making aromatherapy incense from flower waste, vermicomposting, and making biofuel from plants. After the ceremony is finished, the remaining scattered flowers must be picked up and thrown into the trash. Hindus must maintain cleanliness in holy places, so that the place holy, clean and beautiful. that the place holy, clean and beautiful.)
  • implement a waste management system  + (In religious activities there is a lot of In religious activities there is a lot of risk of waste accumulation. Because there are many activities carried out, one example is the religious activity of Hindus, namely praying during holidays. From this example, the opinion I can give to reduce waste from religious activities is by implementing the 3R system, namely Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, which means reducing, reusing and recycling. Apart from that, there are also several ways to reduce waste, such as: 1.Avoid the use of single-use plastic and try to use things that are organic 2. Use private prayer facilities so that they do not create waste and can be reused 3. Provide trash bins according to the type. To be able to implement the methods above, it is also necessary to increase public awareness of the dangers of waste, this can be done through socialization, counseling and joint clean-up movements. This is my opinion regarding how to reduce waste from religious reduce waste from religious activities.)
  • "The Role of Religious Activities in Environmental Conservation: Reducing Waste for the Harmony of Nature"  + (In religious activities, a lot of waste caIn religious activities, a lot of waste can be generated if there is no effort to care for the environment. One example is the use of single-use plastics, which are a major source of waste. A good way to reduce this is by avoiding plastics or materials that are difficult to decompose, and instead using reusable items, such as woven offering bowls or cloth bags. Mutual care for the environment and working together to clean up even small amounts of waste is crucial.</br></br>During large ceremonies, waste management can be organized beforehand to prevent it from piling up. Caring for the environment during religious activities should be an integral part of religious teachings that promote the preservation of nature and harmony.te the preservation of nature and harmony.)
  • Reducing Waste for the Harmony of Nature"  + (In religious activities, a lot of waste caIn religious activities, a lot of waste can be generated if there is no effort to care for the environment. One example is the use of single-use plastics, which are a major source of waste. A good way to reduce this is by avoiding plastics or materials that are difficult to decompose, and instead using reusable items, such as woven offering bowls or cloth bags. Mutual care for the environment and working together to clean up even small amounts of waste is crucial.</br></br>During large ceremonies, waste management can be organized beforehand to prevent it from piling up. Caring for the environment during religious activities should be an integral part of religious teachings that promote the preservation of nature and harmony.te the preservation of nature and harmony.)
  • Religious ceremonies with minimal waste  + (In religious ceremonies, especially in BalIn religious ceremonies, especially in Bali, where there are many religious holidays, you will definitely need a lot of facilities and infrastructure to carry out the ceremony. Therefore, after carrying out the ceremony, you will produce a lot until after the completion of the ceremony. It is possible that the rubbish will be left or thrown away haphazardly or collected and then burned, which can cause pollution to the surrounding environment. That way, there are several things that can be done, starting from minimizing the use of plastic, separate waste management, washing and reusing, and using environmentally friendly materials, as well as providing education and awareness to the surrounding community. It is hoped that the environment where religious ceremonies are held will remain maintained.eremonies are held will remain maintained.)
  • Batur is clean Batur is beautiful  + (In the following way: 1. Use eco-friendly In the following way:</br>1. Use eco-friendly materials: Replace single-use items (such as plastic cups, bags, or styrofoam plates) with reusable materials like bamboo, leaves, or biodegradable alternatives.</br></br>2. Provide separate trash bins: Set up separate bins for organic and inorganic waste to make recycling more efficient.</br></br>3. Reduce plastic packaging: For food distribution, avoid using plastic packaging. Use biodegradable or reusable containers instead.</br></br>4. Education and socialization: Involve the community in education programs about the importance of reducing waste and demonstrate real examples during religious activities.</br></br>5. Use local flowers: In ceremonies requiring flower offerings, try to use local flowers that are more environmentally friendly instead of imported ones often wrapped in plastic.</br></br>6. Minimize paper use: If printed materials like invitations or prayers are necessary, use digital alternatives or print minimally on recycled paper.</br></br>7. Use natural containers for holy water: During ceremonies, holy water (tirta) can be offered in natural containers like coconut shells or earthenware vessels, reducing the use of plastic.ware vessels, reducing the use of plastic.)
  • Ayo, lestarikan Bumi Bali dengan menggunakan biopori  + (In the Global Era like now, there are a loIn the Global Era like now, there are a lot of problems that are being discussed among the community, especially in the Bali Island Area.One of them is about the problem of waste that makes the Bali Region dirty, the problem of waste is none other than waste that is often used during religious ceremonies Hinduism in Bali. Most of this religious ceremonial waste is included in organic waste. </br> In my opinion, the way to reduce organic waste such as flowers, incense, canangs and other organic waste is by creating a waste collection which is often called Biopores.Biopores in Indonesian are called infiltration holes. These biopores are pores in the soil where the process is assisted by animals such as worms and termites. This biopores has benefits, one of which is to ferment organic waste so that the waste can be used as a fertilizer that is beneficial for nature and the Balinese community. </br> So, this is the way I can convey about the procedure to reduce organic waste, come on from now on preserve the beauty of the Bali Earth so that it is maintained and beautifulrth so that it is maintained and beautiful)
  • Bangli Bacteria  + (In this world there are many problems thatIn this world there are many problems that can pollute the environment, one of which is the problem of waste. Garbage, especially in Bali, Bangli is a problem that is quite complicated to solve, waste in Bali for example is waste from religious ceremonies, where in Bangli, especially in Batur, there are always religious ceremonies every month or year where the event will produce a lot of rubbish such as coconut palm rubbish. plastic waste, flower waste and so on. Thus, in my opinion, the way to reduce waste resulting from religious ceremonies is first with awareness from the community itself. From the awareness of the community itself, those who can be invited to contribute to not throwing rubbish carelessly will be able to reduce the amount of rubbish. Then secondly, we might be able to process coconut leaf waste to make compost because leaf leaves are a plant so they can definitely be used as compost. If the plastic waste can be recycled and sold to plastic waste suppliers so that the waste can be handled properly so that the waste can be handled properly)
  • “BECIK” Solusi Untuk Mengurangi Sampah Dalam Upacara Keagamaan  + (In today's world, we should conduct religiIn today's world, we should conduct religious ceremonies that do not pollute our environment. One way to reduce pollution is by following the principles of BECIK.</br></br>- B: Be good in organizing ceremonies. When conducting a ceremony, all the equipment used should be chosen so that it does not create waste that pollutes the environment.</br></br>- E: Be mindful of the environment. If there is waste from the ceremony, it should be processed into organic fertilizer or compost.</br></br>- C: Be careful in choosing resources. Ceremony equipment should utilize local materials and avoid using items made from plastic.</br></br>- I: Remember to implement reduce, reuse, and recycle. Choose supplies that do not create a lot of waste, and use items that can be reused.</br></br>- K: Use eco-friendly equipment. Choose natural materials that are environmentally friendly.</br></br>These BECIK principles should not only be applied in religious ceremonies but also in every activity of the Balinese community. every activity of the Balinese community.)
  • Good Practices for Reducing Waste in Religious Ceremonies  + (It is certain that during religious ceremoIt is certain that during religious ceremonies, plastic waste becomes a major issue. Plastic bags, plastic bottles, and packaging for offerings become waste that is very difficult to decompose. To prevent this issue from continuing, I can use more eco-friendly natural materials. Offerings made from palm leaves, other types of leaves, or bamboo baskets are better and more easily decomposable, reducing plastic waste. Plastic bags can be replaced with cloth bags or bamboo weavings, which are more sustainable. Instead of plastic bottles, it is better to use reusable bottles. Throughout the religious ceremonies, I can become more aware of maintaining a clean and sustainable environment, ensuring harmony with nature. Preserving the sanctity of nature is an important part of Hindu teachings, so I must strive to maintain a pure environment and reduce plastic waste during religious ceremonies.plastic waste during religious ceremonies.)
  • mejaga kelestarian  + (jagalah kelestarian kangan membuang sampah organik dan anorganik)
  • Jjj  + (Jjj)
  • melestarikan adat bali  + (kita harus Gunakan Bahan Alami,Pilih bahankita harus Gunakan Bahan Alami,Pilih bahan yang mudah terurai seperti daun, bunga, dan tanah liat daripada plastik dan logam.</br>dapat berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan dan manusia jika tidak dikelola dengan baik, di antaranya: </br> </br>Mencemari lingkungan</br>Sampah anorganik dapat mencemari air, tanah, dan udara. </br> </br>Menimbulkan bencana alam</br>Penumpukan sampah anorganik dapat menyebabkan banjir karena menghalangi aliran air sungai. </br> </br>Menular penyakit</br>Sampah anorganik dapat menjadi media penularan penyakit seperti lalat, tikus, nyamuk, dan kecoa. </br> </br>Mengurangi nilai kebersihan dan keindahan</br>Sampah anorganik dapat mengurangi nilai kebersihan dan keindahan lingkungan.nilai kebersihan dan keindahan lingkungan.)
  • Let's Keep Our Temple Clean Together  + (Let's reduce waste in the temple together,Let's reduce waste in the temple together, namely by:</br>1. Stop using plastic to hold canang, use a bowl or keben.</br>2. When praying, use flowers such as Jepun flowers, sandat, cempaka, etc.</br>3. If you pray using canang, after praying, throw the canang in the trash.</br>4. If the trash can in the temple is full, take your trash home and throw it away at home.</br></br>Let's keep our temple clean together!!</br>so that our temple is clean and comfortable to use.ur temple is clean and comfortable to use.)
  • The rest of the garbage is used for religion  + (Luu sisan Yadnya ane Sesai jasang di pura Luu sisan Yadnya ane Sesai jasang di pura pura .sawireh Sesai pole nepukin disubane Suud yadnyane sinah luu ne depin e Kanti metumpuk- tumpuk.lenan signing saate tusing luung still remembering the air pollution sawireh mebo luu.yen how to pole yen in pura- pura gede mainne Apang Ngae tongos luu</br>At the Tiange Ade Madan Taman Sari school, Taman Sari ne nto care like yeh . around dalem e Kanti 2-3 meters Yen ngidaang ngae taman sari di jabaan pura ne</br>Yen ngidayang mejalan sinah sing buin ade ade luu I piled up in a pile at the polling station. Buinan at the temple patted the suba pole. There are rules for tusing dadi ngaba plastic. Ritatkala ngemolihang haturan mangda choose sane nenten nganggén utawi plastic material sane nenten dados karesiskin, nenten nganggén plastic wrap nanging sokasi utawi bamboo waru leaves.p nanging sokasi utawi bamboo waru leaves.)
  • Let's Keep the Temple Clean And Let's Reduce Waste  + (Maintaining cleanliness and environmental Maintaining cleanliness and environmental sustainability in sacred places like temples is a shared responsibility. This demonstrates respect and reverence for the sacred place and the spiritual values it represents. By keeping the Temple clean, we can comfortably perform our worship activities and also be more focused when praying.</br></br>Besides maintaining the cleanliness of the Temple, we also need to reduce waste during worship activities at the Temple. Many people still use plastic bags to carry worship facilities, which causes a lot of plastic waste in the temple. So how can we reduce plastic waste in the temple?</br>We can use non-plastic bags to carry worship facilities. When taking (Nunas) Tirta, we can use small plastic jars instead of using disposable plastic bags.</br></br>So let's keep the Temple area clean for our collective comfort during worship. And let's reduce plastic waste for the sake of our beloved nature. waste for the sake of our beloved nature.)
  • Bali Bersih, Bali Sejahtera: Sebuah Panggilan Untuk Aksi Bersama  + (Maintaining cleanliness is very important Maintaining cleanliness is very important to make a place comfortable and beautiful. Especially during religious ceremonies in Bali. Of course, there is a lot of rubbish that is thrown away carelessly. It would be better if some places should have more trash bins. However, we can also recycle some waste into useful items, of course having high selling and aesthetic value. Flower waste can be used as potpourri. Potpourri is a mixture of organic ingredients that have a specific aroma or fragrance. This mixture also adds spices, essential oils or a few drops of perfume to strengthen the fragrance of this mixture. The fragrance of this mixture can be used as an air freshener. The process of making this potpourri takes more than ten days. With this, we have helped reduce waste during religious activities. reduce waste during religious activities.)
  • How to reduce waste in the temple area during religious ceremonies  + (Maintaining the sanctity of nature and theMaintaining the sanctity of nature and the environment when carrying out religious ceremonies is very important in Bali. One way to reduce waste, especially plastic waste, is to use natural materials in ceremonial facilities, such as using banana leaves, janur, and other healthy organic materials. In addition, the separation of organic and inorganic waste from various ceremonies also needs to be implemented so that the flow of plastic waste does not pollute the environment. The "Clean Bali" program that is often carried out needs to be improved by inviting the community to actively participate in mutual cooperation activities. Therefore, the leaders and customary leaders must provide education to the community on how to protect the environment and raise awareness of the importance of this in every ceremony, so that Bali remains sustainable and clean.o that Bali remains sustainable and clean.)
  • How to ensure that there isn't a lot of rubbish in the temple and makes the temple dirty  + (make it a habit to take rubbish from the temple to your home, don't throw rubbish at the temple. waste used in temples, make it a habit to use plant compost)
  • How to ensure that there isn't a lot of rubbish in the temple and makes the temple dirty .  + (make it a habit to take rubbish from the temple to your home, don't throw rubbish at the temple. waste used in temples, make it a habit to use plant compost)
  • How to ensure that there isn't a lot of rubbish in the temple and makes the temple dirty.  + (make it a habit to take rubbish from the temple to your home, don't throw rubbish at the temple. waste used in temples, make it a habit to use plant compost)
  • How to ensure that there isn't a lot of rubbish in the temple and . makes the temple dirty.  + (make it a habit to take rubbish from the temple to your home, don't throw rubbish at the temple. waste used in temples, make it a habit to use plant compost)
  • How to ensure that there isn't a lot of rubbish in the temple and makes the temple dirty!!  + (make it a habit to take rubbish from the temple to your home, don't throw rubbish at the temple. waste used in temples, make it a habit to use plant compost)
  • "Responsible Waste Management in Religious Events for Environmental Preservation"  + (Managing waste during religious activitiesManaging waste during religious activities is an important aspect that we should pay attention to. Waste generated from offerings, ceremonies, and other ritual materials can be addressed in more eco-friendly ways. I encourage reducing the use of offerings made from single-use plastics and opting for natural materials that are biodegradable or can return to the earth. This way, organic waste can be repurposed into compost or naturally decompose into the soil. As for plastic or non-organic waste, it should be collected and processed properly in waste management facilities. This approach allows us to carry out religious practices responsibly while also preserving the environment. I hope everyone becomes more mindful of practices that not only uphold tradition but also support environmental sustainability.also support environmental sustainability.)
  • Mengurangi Sampah Di Pura Sebagai Implementasi Melestarikan Prahyangan  + (Many people have seen behavior in temples Many people have seen behavior in temples that throw rubbish carelessly, which causes the temple environment to become bad. For example, during the big ceremony at Batur Temple in 2024, there was a lot of rubbish strewn around the temple even though there were already rubbish bins. We as visitors should also work together to maintain the cleanliness of the temple. To implement Prahyangan sustainability, in my opinion we can do the following: </br>1. Throw away rubbish in the rubbish bin provided.</br>2. Reduce the use of non-organic items because they are difficult to melt in the soil, such as plastic, cans, glass, etc.</br>3. Optimizing the use of existing biopore holes in temples to dispose of organic waste and remnants of religious activities.</br>4. Bring sufficient religious facilities. </br>5. Dispose of waste according to waste sorting categories, namely organic, non-organic and residue. </br>If we are all disciplined in doing this, we will be able to reduce waste when there are religious activities. Let's work together to maintain the temple so that it remains a sacred and clean place. that it remains a sacred and clean place.)
  • Mari bersama kita ciptakan lingkungan yang bebas sampah. Jika hanya menunggu pemerintah, lantas siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas kebersihan ba  + (Mari bersama kita ciptakan lingkungan yangMari bersama kita ciptakan lingkungan yang bebas sampah. Jika hanya menunggu pemerintah, lantas siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas kebersihan bali? Seperti yang kita ketahui, belakangan ini masih banyak Masyarakat Bali yang menggunakan plastik sekali pakai pada saat Upacara Keagamaan, walaupun Pemerintah sudah menetapkan regulasi mengenai permasalahan ini. Selain plastik sekali pakai, upacara di Bali biasanya menyisakan banyak sampah organik. Upaya yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menguranginya yaitu Menetapkan Peraturan dimana Pedagang yang menghasilkan banyak sampah, seperti kantong plastik, jajanan plastik, dan lain-lain tidak boleh berjualan di Areal Upacara Keagamaan. Selanjutnya adalah menghimbau seluruh masyarakat untuk membawa kembali sisa barang bawaan mereka agar tidak memenuhi areal upacara. Usaha terakhir yang dapat kita lakukan adalah Refleksi Diri Sendiri, apakah kita sendiri sudah berusaha untuk membersihkan areal sekitar? Dimulai dari hal kecil seperti memungut bunga yang sudah dipakai, bahkan membawa kembali banten yang sudah di haturkan, dan juga tidak menggunakan barang sekali pakai.uga tidak menggunakan barang sekali pakai.)
  • Untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah sisa dari sarana persembahyangan di pura seperti Pura Batur dan Besakih,  + (materials for reducing waste from religioumaterials for reducing waste from religious offerings at temples such as Pura Batur and Besakih are as follows:</br></br>1. Education and Outreach: Raising awareness among Hindus about the importance of reducing waste during religious activities.</br></br></br>2. Use of Eco-Friendly Materials: Utilizing organic and biodegradable materials, such as banana leaves, palm leaves, and local flowers, for religious offerings.</br></br></br>3. Waste Separation: Providing separate bins for organic and inorganic waste to facilitate easier waste management.</br></br></br>4. Reducing Plastic Usage: Minimizing or banning the use of single-use plastics in religious ceremonies.</br></br></br>5. Integrated Waste Management: Developing efficient waste management systems, including recycling facilities and compost production.</br></br></br>6. Training and Assistance: Offering training to priests, vendors, and worshippers on managing offerings with minimal waste.</br></br></br>7. Collaboration with Government and NGOs: Working with government bodies and related organizations to support waste reduction efforts in temple areasrt waste reduction efforts in temple areas)
  • beautiful without waste  + (Maybe there is a lot of rubbish in the temMaybe there is a lot of rubbish in the temple after religious activities. How can we reduce this waste? . My opinion on how to reduce waste for every religious activity is to prepare green trash cans, which means organic waste, and yellow trash cans, which means as much inorganic waste as possible in the temple. So, from the organic green trash can, we can throw away the remaining flowers that are no longer used into solid organic fertilizer which functions to increase the water retention capacity, increase the biological activity of the soil for the plants in the temple. And the city can use inorganic yellow trash cans such as plastic bottles and plastic to make crafts, for example making seats from bottle caps and making plant pots from bottles. So we can create existing waste and reduce this waste. The most important thing is that we can reduce decorative waste little by little. reduce decorative waste little by little.)
  • opinion on reducing waste in religious activities  + (menurut pendapat kami,dalam kegiatan mengumenurut pendapat kami,dalam kegiatan mengurangi sampah dalam keagamaan yaitu :</br>1.Setelah melakukan kegiatan persembahyangan sebaiknya sampah tersebut dibuang pada tempatnya.</br>2.Untuk penanggulangan sampah canang supaya tidak menumpuk disarankan untuk membawa paper bag sendiri untuk membawa kerumah masing-masing.</br>3.Untuk mengurangi sampah,petugas pura harus menyiapkan polly bag untuk sampah-sampah organik.kan polly bag untuk sampah-sampah organik.)
  • reduce rubbish  + (Minimize the use of plastic Plastic is oMinimize the use of plastic</br> </br>Plastic is one of the main sources of waste at religious events. The use of single-use plastics such as plastic bags, straws and food containers should be minimized. As an alternative, we can use:</br> </br>- Traditional containers: Food containers made from natural materials such as banana leaves, bamboo or wood can be an environmentally friendly choice.</br>- Reusable drinking bottles: Using reusable drinking bottles can reduce plastic bottle waste.</br>- Eco-friendly shopping bags: Cloth or paper shopping bags can be used instead of plastic bags.</br> </br>2. Sorting Waste</br> </br>Sorting waste at the source is an important step in reducing waste. Organic waste such as food scraps can be processed into compost, while non-organic waste such as plastic and paper can be recycled.such as plastic and paper can be recycled.)
  • Modern Teba: A Solution to Reduce Waste from Religious Activities  + (Modern Teba is an innovation in the manageModern Teba is an innovation in the management of organic waste generated from religious activities. Modern Teba is an organic waste processing system that utilizes empty land or yards to make compost. This system can be an effective solution to reduce the accumulation of waste from religious activities, such as leaves, flowers, and food waste. By using modern Teba, organic waste can be processed into compost that is beneficial for plants.nto compost that is beneficial for plants.)
  • how to reduce waste in temples  + (My opinion about how to reduce waste in reMy opinion about how to reduce waste in religious activities is</br></br>1. Use natural ingredients, choose natural ingredients that are easily disposed of in nature for prayer, can be fresh flowers without plastic packaging, leaves and fragrant fragrances</br></br>2. Don't use plastic, use plastic only once with items that can be reused or recycled, welds and plates made from bamboo or leaves</br></br>3. Separate natural and unnatural waste, provide separate trash cans for organic and non-organic waste around the temple</br></br>4. provide education to the people on how to reduce waste and provide information and ways to manage waste and the importance of using environmentally friendly materials </br></br>5. Carrying out clean-up activities in the temple environment can maintain cleanliness and reduce the accumulation of rubbish </br></br>That's all, religious activities in temples can be maintained by protecting the environment and keeping the surroundings cleanronment and keeping the surroundings clean)
  • how to reduce waste from religious activities  + (My opinion about how we can reduce waste iMy opinion about how we can reduce waste in every religious activity is by changing our habit of usually using plastic or waste that is difficult to decompose into something that can be used repeatedly such as bowls, glass cups and so on so that we can reduce plastic waste by Minimize its use, if we continue to use plastic at every religious event, it is very likely that plastic waste will continue to pile up and it will probably pile up continuously. Maybe we think it's better to plant it, but plastic waste is very difficult to decompose, maybe 100 years and even then it's not guaranteed to be broken down, and if it's burned Plastic waste will produce toxic gases which can trigger disease in the body. </br>Therefore, it is better for us to switch to a place that can be used repeatedly rather than onceat can be used repeatedly rather than once)
  • Upaya pengurangan sampah dalam kegiatan keagamaan di bali  + (My opinion on how to reduce the amount of My opinion on how to reduce the amount of waste during religious ceremonies in Bali is by using natural and eco-friendly materials. For example, ceremonial items such as coconut leaves, regular leaves, bamboo, and flowers are better to use than plastic or synthetic materials, as natural materials decompose easily and do not cause environmental pollution. Additionally, avoid using single-use plastics like plastic bags or styrofoam, and instead choose cloth bags or containers that can be reused multiple times.</br></br>After the religious activities are over, it is very important to clean up the remains of the ceremony and dispose of them in the provided trash bins, while also separating organic and non-organic waste. Organic waste can be processed into compost, while non-organic waste such as plastic or used bottles can be recycled. If the waste is not managed, it will certainly accumulate. Continuous public awareness campaigns can be conducted to educate people about the negative impacts of waste on the environment and the cleanliness of temples. By applying these methods, we can help preserve the environment.ods, we can help preserve the environment.)
  • Penanggulangan Sampah dalam Kegiatan Keagamaan di Bali dengan Bahan Alami dan Ramah Lingkungan  + (My opinion on how to reduce the amount of My opinion on how to reduce the amount of waste during religious ceremonies in Bali is by using natural and eco-friendly materials. For example, ceremonial items such as coconut leaves, regular leaves, bamboo, and flowers are better to use than plastic or synthetic materials, as natural materials decompose easily and do not cause environmental pollution. Additionally, avoid using single-use plastics like plastic bags or styrofoam, and instead choose cloth bags or containers that can be reused multiple times.</br></br>After the religious activities are over, it is very important to clean up the remains of the ceremony and dispose of them in the provided trash bins, while also separating organic and non-organic waste. Organic waste can be processed into compost, while non-organic waste such as plastic or used bottles can be recycled. If the waste is not managed, it will certainly accumulate. Continuous public awareness campaigns can be conducted to educate people about the negative impacts of waste on the environment and the cleanliness of temples. By applying these methods, we can help preserve the environment.ods, we can help preserve the environment.)
  • An appeal to the public to reduce the waste that accumulates during religious ceremonies  + (My opinion on optimizing waste during reliMy opinion on optimizing waste during religious ceremonies. Where, we can urge visitors who attend religious ceremonies to bring a canang bag or banten and if they don't have a canang bag, they can use a keben. If there are still people who use plastic bags, they can be encouraged to throw the plastic bags in the trash or take them first to wrap canang or flowers that have been used during prayer. In this way, maybe we can optimize waste. If there is an error in expressing my opinion, I apologize and thank my opinion, I apologize and thank you.)
  • reduce waste from religious ceremonies  + (my opinion regarding waste in religious acmy opinion regarding waste in religious activities In my opinion, in religious practices what often becomes a problem is the accumulation of rubbish. This often happens because of the lack of rubbish bins to sort organic and inorganic rubbish, this can also happen because people are lazy about recycling rubbish. This is what becomes a problem for community, because it will result in an increase in waste. We should start to be aware from now on about waste management issues, such as differentiating between organic and inorganic waste bins, and being able to use organic waste as compost, we should also reduce the use of plastic materials when making offerings, such as reducing instant snacks, Therefore, it is better to use traditional snacks such as pillow snacks. Traditional snack wrappers can be broken down because they are made from coconut leaves or banana leaves. This can have a good impact on the accumulation of waste because these snack wrappers can be broken down and made into compost. This is different from packaged instant snacks. Using plastic, plastic or inorganics cannot be decomposed and can cause waste to accumulate.omposed and can cause waste to accumulate.)
  • Maintaining cleanliness in religious environments  + (My response to this issue is that religionMy response to this issue is that religion, at its core, should teach morality, social responsibility, and respect for nature as God’s creation. However, if religious practices are carried out without regard for the negative impact on the environment, then those practices need to be reconsidered. Every community, religious or not, has a responsibility to maintain harmony between humans and nature.aintain harmony between humans and nature.)
  • Penggunaan Tas Anyaman Sebagai Tempat Bunga.  + (Of course, many of us already know about tOf course, many of us already know about the waste problem in Indonesia. The problem that usually exists in religious activities is the large amount of waste used during prayers. So from that problem we discuss about one of the solutions to reduce the amount of waste “The use of woven bags as flower holders”. Most people in Bali often use plastic or crackle bags as a place for flowers. In addition to bokor, at this time there are also many woven bags produced as flower holders, with Balinese people buying woven bags this has a big impact on minimizing the amount of plastic waste in religious activities. From here we can know that this woven bag can streamline the place because the incense and bokor are already contained in one bag. Then for flower waste, we can provide solutions such as tightening the provision of Organic waste bins and also providing information boards so that people do not just throw garbage in the temple area.not just throw garbage in the temple area.)