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Bucari  +
shrine that is found in many houses on theshrine that is found in many houses on the left side of the entrance gate, facing toward the gate is a a shrine for Durga Bucari, also called pangadangadang, from the root word adang, meaning to keep watch. The pangadangadang is a guardian shrine for the entire house compound which detects unwanted intruders and by its niskala power prevents their entrance. It alsoe sends niskala signals to the other guardian shrines within the house compound, which then notify the family that some unauthorized person or spirit is trying to enter. There are other Bucari shrines along various roads called Pisaca Bucari. along various roads called Pisaca Bucari.  +
kuil yang ditemukan di banyak rumah di siskuil yang ditemukan di banyak rumah di sisi kiri gerbang masuk, menghadap ke gerbang adalah kuil untuk Durga Bucari, juga disebut pangadangadang, dari kata dasar adang, yang berarti berjaga-jaga. Pangadangadang adalah kuil pelindung untuk seluruh kompleks rumah yang mendeteksi penyusup yang tidak diinginkan dan dengan kekuatan niskala mencegah masuknya mereka. Ia juga mengirimkan sinyal niskala ke tempat suci wali lainnya di dalam kompleks rumah, yang kemudian memberi tahu keluarga bahwa beberapa orang atau roh yang tidak sah sedang mencoba masuk. Ada kuil Bucari lainnya di sepanjang berbagai jalan yang disebut Pisaca Bucari.berbagai jalan yang disebut Pisaca Bucari.  +
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Tiang ngaturang segehan ring sang bhuta bucari  +
Bucari  +
Creation date"Creation date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the first revision of a subject and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
13:03:49, 1 March 2017  +
Modification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
03:25:30, 29 March 2020  +
Has query"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">subobject</a>) about individual queries and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
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Bucari +, Bucari +  and Bucari +

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