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Soma ribek

soma ribek

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  • Soma Ribek is an important day for followers of Hinduism as they celebrate the harvest. en
  • Hari Senin pada wuku Sinta. id
  • Soma Ribek merupakan hari besar bagi umat Hindu untuk merayakan pangan. id
Soma ribek
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Soma Pon Wuku Sinta kawastanin Soma Ribek. Soma Ribek pinaka dina umat Hindu ngaturang suksmaning manah santukan kapica merta, utamanyane padi. Ring dina puniki, krama Hindu mabrata nenten numbuk padi, nyelip padi, ngadol padi muang beras. Manut lontar Sundarigama, nenten ngadol padi muang beras pinaka rasa bhakti ring Batari Sri.
[example 1]
Senin Pon Wuku Sinta is also known as Soma Ribek. Soma Ribek is a holy day for followers of the Hindu religion (when they) give thanks for the gift of a plentiful harvest, especially of rice. On this day, Hindus abstain from pounding rice or hulling rice and also from selling either unhusked or husked rice. In accordance with the lontar entitled Sundarigama, abstaining from selling unhusked or husked rice signifies devotion to Batari Sri, the Goddess of Prosperity.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. teks dan vidio: Made Sugianto