
From BASAbaliWiki
Other forms of "Sengseng"
  • closed; clogged; covered with something; plugged in with something en
  • tertutup; tersumbat; ditutupi dengan sesuatu id
Translation in English
closed; clogged; covered with something; plugged in with something
Translation in Indonesian
tertutup; tersumbat; ditutupi dengan sesuatu
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Level of Speech Option
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Tusing makelo, ojek online teka. Luh Ayu Manik menek ka montor ojek online, Montore majalan adeng-adeng. Di jalane, ojeke matakon teken Luh Ayu Manik, apa suba seken alamat umahe ento? Luh Ayu Manik nyautin bawak, ngorahang beneh. Krana kuping Luh Ayune masengseng baan headset, tusing pati dingeha munyin anake di sisi, saget montore mareren di arepan Peken Anyare. Jalanne macet, krana ada turis ane kena jambret di sisin margane. Kaik-kaik bulene ento ngidih tulung.
Not long afterwards the online 'ojek' turned up and she got on the bike. The motor cycle was moving along slowly. The driver asked her if the address she gave him was correct and she replied briefly that it was. Because she had her headset on, she couldn’t hear clearly the voices of people around her and wasn’t aware that the bike she was on suddenly stopped in front of Peken Anyar. The road was clogged with traffic because a tourist had had their bag snatched on the side of the road. The tourist was calling out for help.
Tidak berselang lama, ojek daring datang. Luh Ayu Manik naik ke motor ojek daring. itu. Motornya berjalan pelan. Di jalan, sang tukang ojek bertanya kepada Luh Ayu Manik, apakah sudah tepat alamat rumahnya? Luh Ayu Manik menjawab singkat, dengan menyatakan benar. Karena Luh Ayu sedang mengenakan headset di telinganya, tidak terlalu jelas didengar suara orang lain di luar, tidak terasa motor yang ditumpanginya tiba-tiba berhenti di depan Pasar Anyar. Jalanan macet karena ada wisatawan yang dijambret di pinggir jalan. Berteriak-teriak bule itu meminta tolong.
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