Ngawigunayang luu plastik kresek lan kardus dados kerajinan bunga anggrek

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Ngawigunayang luu plastik kresek lan kardus dados kerajinan bunga anggrek
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Pesan yang disampaikan dalam video ini sudah terstruktur dengan baik. Hanya saja perlu diprioritaskan pada durasi pembuatan bunga anggrek dari sampah plastik, serta tambahkan langkah-langkah pembuatannya. Sudah baik sekali, memikirkan terkait pemanfaatan sampah plastik menjadi rupiah. Ke depannya bisa memberikan solusi yang lebih solutif dan informatif apabila ada masyarakat yang ingin mengadopsi ide ini. Dwi Jayanthi - PlastikDetox Pembuatan media pembelajaran pengelolaan sampah berbasis video harus tepat dan konsistensi dengan topik/konten yang ingin diwujudkan, sehingga pesan yang disampaikan dapat diimplementasikan. Peserta harus meningkatkan kemampuan teknis untuk menyusun konten/topik, kuasi topik presentasi yang akan disampaikan supaya dapat bermakna bagi audiens, juga pelajari semua data/informasi yang terkait dengan topik presentasi tersebut. Dwi Arbani - Perwakilan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Kota Denpasar.

Puspita Widyaningsih

39 months ago
Votes 8++
semangat adik-adik 🤩


39 months ago
Votes 8++
Semangat 👍🏻


39 months ago
Votes 7++
Bagus sekali tingkatkan adik adik👍

Putu Eka Suci Pertami

39 months ago
Votes 6++
Sampun becik pisan, ngirangin luu antuk ngolah dados karya sane mawiguna👍👍


39 months ago
Votes 3++


39 months ago
Votes 2++
Keren bisa dipake usaha


39 months ago
Votes 3++
Semoga juaraaa!!!


39 months ago
Votes 2++
Smp 2 the best


39 months ago
Votes 1++
Mantap smp 1 pun ga bisa buat gitu wah mantap


39 months ago
Votes 0++
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Please note that plastic waste is very difficult to destroy. It takes tens or even hundreds of years to decompose. Therefore, alternative solutions are needed so that the presence of plastic waste can be handled properly. In this pandemic period, household plastic processing crafts can be an alternative income, because plastic waste can not only be recycled but also has added value and uses (upcycle) if processed properly. Waste recycling is basically an effort to overcome the problem of waste to the environment and make plastic waste have benefits and selling points. It is not impossible, making plastic waste a profitable income. From household plastic waste to rupiah coffers that can help the family's economy and reduce waste, for example this plastic orchid flower that we made.


Please note that plastic waste is very difficult to destroy. It takes tens or even hundreds of years to decompose. Therefore, alternative solutions are needed so that the presence of plastic waste can be handled properly. In this pandemic period, household plastic processing crafts can be an alternative income, because plastic waste can not only be recycled but also has added value and uses (upcycle) if processed properly. Waste recycling is basically an effort to overcome the problem of waste to the environment and make plastic waste have benefits and selling points. It is not impossible, making plastic waste a profitable income. From household plastic waste to rupiah coffers that can help the family's economy and reduce waste, for example this plastic orchid flower that we made.

Why does the innovation or project matter?

To Reduce Plastic Waste and Can Be Used As A Home Business

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

People/groups to contact

Kelompok 6 SMP Negeri 2 Singaraja