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Bisa berikan solusi yang lebih jelas dan praktis terkait sampah yang dikumpulkan, misal: pemilahan sampah dan jenis sampah apa saja yang bisa dijual ke bank sampah. Dwi Jayanthi - PlastikDetox

Pradyani endina

42 months ago
Votes 0++
Om swastyastu, inovasi dalam karya tersebut bermanfaat sekali bagi masyarakat untuk mengetahui bahwa sampah bisa menghasilkan selembar uang. Yang kita ketahui dengan sebutan bank sampah, namun masih minim sekali masyarakat yang mengetahui atau memiliki kemauan untuk mensortir sampah-sampah baik organik maupun anorganik apalagi membawanya ke bank sampah sangat sedikit sekali masyarakat mau melakukan hal tersebut. Menurut kalian hal apa yang bisa kita lakukan khususnya generasi muda untuk mensosialisasikan sampai ke telinga masyarakat agar masyarakat bisa memiliki rasa jengah dalam pengolahan sampah kemudian dengan adanya bank sampah masyarakat juga di untungkan dalam artian kita memberikan sampah dan mendapatkan selembar uang. Yang tiang ketahui juga bank sampah di denpasar banyak sekali namun masih minim di ketahui oleh masyarakat sekitar dan ini adalah tugas kita sebagai generasi muda khsusunya yang mencintai lingkungan hidup bersih dan sehat untuk mengajak masyarakat untuk menabung sampahnya di bank sampah. Matur suksmaa🙏🙏
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This real action to care for the environment was carried out in Br. Munduk Pakel, Ds. Gadung Sari, Kec. Selemadeg Timur, Kab. Tabanan. On Wednesday, September 21, 2021. Conducted by students of the Balinese Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, as well as waste bank officers in the village. The target location for cleaning the garbage has been carried out in rivers that are contaminated with plastic waste, which makes the river unclean. The impact that is felt is already felt from this action, which creates positive values ​​such as exchanging plastic waste that provides money in return. It cannot be separated from the definition of Tri Hita Karana, the existence of Palemahan which means the relationship between humans and nature.

Why does the innovation or project matter?

because this action will greatly impact the surrounding environment, in order to maintain and preserve it, from this action can also get a reciprocal of the waste, so it will still be mutually beneficial.

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

We can ensure that this project will continue, because every week there is a collection of community waste in exchange for a savings. Which will add to the enthusiasm of the community, especially children as motivation to be diligent in saving.

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

We can contribute from this effort, such as the existence of a new economic land in the form of a waste bank, adding new education for the community about plastic waste, and a cleaner environment.

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

How to educate the community will affect the level of community initiative coupled with real efforts will make this project a success. What can support this project is the involvement of higher levels of government besides village officials so that this project is not only carried out in the village but can be sustainable in other areas.

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

This project will continue to be sustainable, besides being able to protect the human nature, it will also receive a reciprocal physical benefit.

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

People/groups to contact

Ni Kadek Sri Ranika Marcheliana

I Dewa Ayu Made Manis Suarningsih Ni Made Ayu Dita Mustika Putri Ni Luh Putu Ayu Ratih Kumala Dewi

Ni Kadek Yuli Setiawati