How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.

Dua likur

dua likur

du wlø ku
  • bilangan yang dilambangkan dengan angka 22 (Arab) atau XXII (Romawi). (Andap) (Classifier) id
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Usage Examples

Boni: Beli wenten ngadol gambar peta Sanur, nggih? Ketut: Wenten. Peta sane jangkep ajinne 22.000 (dua likur tali).
[example 1]
Boni: Brother, do you happen to sell the map of Sanur, yes? Ketut: I have. The folded map cost 22,000 (twenty-two thousands).

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. BASAbali software