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Tan Lioe Ie

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Tan Lioe Ie
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In English

Tan Lioe Ie was born in Denpasar, Bali, June 1, 1958. He kept the Chinese name even though during the New Order era there was some pressure to replace the ethnic Chinese name with an indigenous name. He is familiarly called Yoki.

Yoki is one of the Indonesian poets who explores Chinese rituals and mythology in Indonesian poetry. Despite the strong ethnic nuances, his poems still have an allure for the wider community. His works have been published in various mass media such as; Bali Post, Horizon, Buana News, Kompas, Media Indonesia.

Yoki graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Udayana University. His introduction to poetry began when he was involved in the Denpasar Coffee Drink Center (SMK). He is also known as a pioneer of poetry musicalization activities in Bali. One of his poetry musical albums is entitled “Kuda Putih” which contains many Umbu Landu Paranggi poems that he sings.

His published anthology of poetry, “Kita Bersaudara” (1991), has been translated into English as “We Are All One” (1996) by Dr. Thomas Hunter Jr. In addition, the book of poetry “Night Cahaya Lampion” (2005) has also been translated into Dutch entitled “Nach Van De Lampionen” by Linde Voute. His latest poetry book is entitled “Ciam Si” (2015). Yoki is often invited to national and international literary activities.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Tan Lioe Ie lahir di Denpasar, Bali, 1 Juni 1958. Nama Tionghoa tersebut tetap ia pertahankankan walaupun pada masa orde baru ada semacam tekanan untuk mengganti nama etnis Tionghoa dengan nama pribumi. Dia akrab disapa Yoki.

Yoki merupakan salah satu penyair Indonesia yang melakukan eksplorasi atas ritual dan mitologi Tionghoa dalam puisi bahasa Indonesia. Walaupun bernuansa etnik kental, puisi-puisinya tetap mempunyai daya pikat bagi kalangan luas. Hasil karyanya pernah dimuat di berbagai media massa seperti; Bali Post, Horison, Berita Buana, Kompas, Media Indonesia.

Yoki menamatkan kuliah di Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Udayana. Perkenalannya dengan puisi dimulai saat terlibat dalam kegiatan Sanggar Minum Kopi (SMK) Denpasar. Dia juga dikenal sebagai pelopor kegiatan musikalisasi puisi di Bali. Salah satu album musikalisasi puisinya berjudul “Kuda Putih” yang banyak berisikan puisi Umbu Landu Paranggi yang dinyanyikannya.

Buku antologi puisinya yang telah terbit adalah “Kita Bersaudara” (1991), telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris menjadi “We Are All One” (1996) oleh Dr. Thomas Hunter Jr. Selain itu, buku puisi “Malam Cahaya Lampion” (2005) juga telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Belanda bertajuk “Nach Van De Lampionen” oleh Linde Voute. Buku puisi terbarunya berjudul “Ciam Si” (2015). Yoki sering diundang dalam kegiatan sastra nasional dan internasional.

Examples of work

Malam Cahaya Lampion
Malam cahaya lampion--.jpg
Ciam Si
Tan Lioe Le Ciam Si Puisi puisi Ramalan.jpg