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Putu Satria Kusuma

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Putu Satria Kusuma
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In English

Putu Satria Kusuma, born in Singaraja, March 28, 1963. His last education was Bachelor of Law. Since he was a teenager he has been involved in the arts, especially theatre, film, and literature. He joined the Coffee Drink Studio.

His achievements include 1st Place in the Contest for Modern Drama Manuscripts, UNUD 1986, the best national drama scriptwriter, 1995 Menpen RI, the best national drama scriptwriter in 1997, Menpen RI, Hope I in the national drama script competition at the Jakarta Arts Council 1998, Harapan I The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism's Film Scenario Competition in 2005, an award from the Governor of Bali Widya Pataka 2015, the Bali Jani Nugraha award from the Bali Provincial Government.

His works include: Kidung Classical Tanah Bali (a radio play broadcast on RRI Singaraja 20 episodes), Cupak Tanah, Watu Gunung, Sukreni Gadis Bali (adaptation of the novel with the same title by AA Panji Tisna), Revolution in Nusa Damai (adaptation of a novel with the same title) Similar titles by Ktut Tantri), soap operas Adi and Ayu (10 episodes aired on Bali tv), soap opera Memedi (10 episodes aired on Bali TV), soap opera comedy series Wayan Katel (10 episodes aired on Bali tv), soap opera for children Ketut Koran (TVRI Bali) , Slave from Bali Untung Surapati, Short folk drama series about Bung Karno (10 titles), He wrote a number of short stories published in the Bali Post, and short stories anthologies Lobakan, Tower, and the Indonesian Literary Community, etc.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Putu Satria Kusuma, lahir di Singaraja, 28 Maret 1963. Pendidikan terakhir Sarjana Hukum. Sejak remaja dia menekuni dunia seni, terutama teater, film, dan sastra. Pernah bergabung dalam Sanggar Minum Kopi. Prestasi yang pernah diraihnya antara lain Juara I Lomba Cipta Naskah Drama Modern UNUD 1986, penulis naskah cerita drama terbaik nasional 1995 Menpen RI, Penulis naskah cerita drama terbaik nasional 1997 Menpen RI, Harapan I Lomba naskah drama nasional di Dewan Kesenian Jakarta 1998, Harapan I Lomba Skenario Film Kemenpar RI tahun 2005, penghargaan dari Gubernur Bali Widya Pataka 2015, penghargaan Bali Jani Nugraha dari Pemerintah Provinsi Bali. Karya-karyanya antara lain: Kidung Klasik Tanah Bali (Sandiwara radio siar di RRI Singaraja 20 episode), Cupak Tanah, Watu Gunung, Sukreni Gadis Bali (adaptasi novel dengan judul sama karya AA Panji Tisna), Revolusi di Nusa Damai (adaptasi novel dengan judul serupa karya Ktut Tantri), Sinetron Adi dan Ayu (10 episode tayang Bali tv), Sinetron Memedi(10 episode tayang Bali Tv), Sinetron seri komedi Wayan Katel (10 episode tayang Bali tv), Sinetron anak Ketut Koran(TVRI Bali), Budak dari Bali Untung Surapati, Seri drama pendek rakyat tentang Bung Karno ( 10 judul), Menulis sejumlah cerpen dimuat di Bali Post, dan antologi cerpen Lobakan, Tower, dan Komunitas Sastra Indonesia, dll.

Examples of work

Cupak Tanah
Cupak tanah-1.jpg