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Nyoman Rasta Sindhu

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Nyoman Rasta Sindhu
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In English

Nyoman Rasta Sindhu is a writer and journalist who was born on August 31, 1943 in Denpasar and died on August 14, 1972. For his dedication to literature, he received the "Dharma Kusuma Madya" Award from the Governor of Bali, Ida Bagus Mantra.

He studied at the Faculty of Letters and Culture, Gajah Mada University, then moved to Udayana University majoring in Antiquities. He became a journalist and editorial staff of the Balinese edition of “Suluh Marhaen” art and culture (now Bali Post). In addition, he is also one of the editors of the Bali Courier magazine (1971).

His works are spread in various mass media, including Kompas, Sinar Harapan, Horison literary magazine, Indonesian pulpit, Basis, Sastra. One of his most famous short stories, “When Kentongan was Beaten at Bale Banjar”, ​​was published in the German anthology of Indonesian prose, Perlen im Reisfeld, Indonesia (1971). The short story was published in Horison magazine No.1 Th.IV January 1969 and won the Horizon Literature Prize.

Most of his works contain opposition to the orthodoxy of Balinese views or beliefs. His social protests are not out of hatred, but rather because he loves Bali so much. However, until now there has been no publisher who has compiled his works as a whole, so that we have difficulty being able to enjoy his literary works.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Nyoman Rasta Sindhu adalah seorang sastrawan dan wartawan yang lahir pada tanggal 31 Agustus 1943 di Denpasar dan meninggal pada tanggal 14 Agustus 1972. Atas dedikasinya dalam seni sastra, dia mendapat Anugerah “Dharma Kusuma Madya” dari Gubernur Bali, Ida Bagus Mantra.

Dia pernah kuliah di Fakultas Sastra dan Kebudayaan Universitas Gajah Mada, kemudian pindah ke Universitas Udayana mengambil jurusan Ilmu Purbakala. Dia menjadi wartawan dan staf redaksi seni dan budaya “Suluh Marhaen” edisi Bali (Bali Post sekarang). Selian itu, dia juga merupakan salah seorang redaksi majalah Bali Courier (1971).

Karya-karyanya tersebar di berbagai media massa, antara lain Kompas, Sinar Harapan, majalah sastra Horison, Mimbar Indonesia, Basis, Sastra. Salah satu cerpennya yang sangat terkenal, “Ketika Kentongan Dipukul di Bale Banjar”, dimuat dalam antologi prosa Indonesia berbahasa Jerman, Perlen im Reisfeld, Indonesien (1971). Cerpen tersebut pernah dimuat majalah Horison No.1 Th.IV Januari 1969 dan meraih Hadiah Sastra Horison.

Sebagian besar karyanya berisikan penentangan atas kekolotan pandangan atau kepercayaan masyarakat Bali. Protes-protes sosialnya bukan karena rasa benci, tetapi lebih karena dia sangat mencintai Bali. Namun, hingga sekarang belum ada penerbit yang menghimpun karya-karyanya secara utuh hingga kita mengalami kesulitan untuk bisa menikmati karya-karya sastranya.

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