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Nur Wahida Idris

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Nur Wahida Idris
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In English

Nur Wahida Idris was born in Ketugtug, East Loloan, Negara, April 28, 1976. She completed her studies at the Department of Crafts/Textiles, Faculty of Fine Arts, ISI Yogyakarta. In addition to the Bali Post, her poetry has been published in Kompas, Koran Tempo, Suara Merdeka, Jawa Pos, Bernas, Sunday Morning, Prince Claus Fund Journal and Horison Literature Magazine, as well as in joint anthologies, including Kidung Kawijayan, Philanthropy, Pedas Lada Pasir Quarsa, Lingua Franca Conversation and Living Together. Her poetry received awards from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, the Lampung Arts Council and the Yogyakarta Language Center. Her single book of poetry, Springs of Roots of Trees (2008). She was invited to read his poetry at the Yogyakarta Arts Festival XVII/2005, the 2005 International Literary Biennale in Bandung and the Jakarta Arts Council, 2006. As the Director of Akar Indonesia, she also manages the Yogyakarta Rumahlebah Community.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Nur Wahida Idris, lahir di Ketugtug, Loloan Timur, Negara, 28 April 1976. Pernah berproses kreatif di Denpasar, termasuk di Tensut Bedahulu. Menyelesaikan studinya di Jurusan Kriya/Tekstil Fakultas Seni Rupa ISI Yogyakarta. Selain di Bali Post, puisinya dipublikasikan di Kompas, Koran Tempo, Suara Merdeka, Jawa Pos, Bernas, Minggu Pagi, Prince Claus Fund Journal dan Majalah Sastra Horison, serta dalam antologi bersama, di antaranya Kidung Kawijayan, Filantropi, Pedas Lada Pasir Kuarsa, Percakapan Lingua Franca dan Living Together. Puisinya mendapat penghargaan dari Kemendikbud RI, Dewan Kesenian Lampung dan Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta. Buku puisi tunggalnya, Mata Air Akar Pohon (2008). Ia diundang membacakan puisinya dalam Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta XVII/2005, International Literary Biennale 2005 di Bandung dan Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, 2006. Direktur Akar Indonesia ini, juga mengelola Komunitas Rumahlebah Yogyakarta.

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Mata Air Akar Pohon