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Ni Made Frischa Aswarini

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Ni Made Frischa Aswarini
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In English

Ni Made Frischa Aswarini. Born on October 17, 1991. She studied History at Udayana University, Bali and writes journalistic works, scientific works, essays, poetry and short stories. Her poems have been published in various media including translated into French for the journal Le Banian (2016) and the poetry anthology Couleur Femme (Jakarta-Paris Forum and AF Denpasar, 2010); translated to English in Happiness anthology,The Delight-Tree 2 (United Nations SRC Society of Writers, 2016). Two of her poetry books are entitled Portraits on the Table (2012) and Signs for Questions (GPU, 2017). Because of her poetic imprint, he became one of the speakers at the 2013 Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, as well as a cultural dialogue speaker at Publica, Kuala Lumpur. She was selected to participate in Canada World Youth (Kemenpora RI, 2014-2015) and helped compose a biography of the artist Made Wianta entitled God's Time (2008). Tanda for Tanya (2017) is a collection of poetry that is included in the top 10 categories of First or Second Work, Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa 2017-2018. Now, she works as a historical research assistant and presenter at TVRI Bali. Active in the Sahaja Community, Denpasar. Instagram account: @frischa_aswarini.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ni Made Frischa Aswarini. Lahir pada 17 Oktober 1991. Pernah belajar Ilmu Sejarah di Universitas Udayana, Bali. Menulis karya jurnalistik, karya ilmiah, esai, puisi maupun cerita pendek. Puisi-puisinya disiarkan di pelbagai media termasuk diterjemahkan ke bahasa Perancis untuk jurnal Le Banian (2016) dan antologi puisi Couleur Femme (Forum Jakarta-Paris dan AF Denpasar, 2010); diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris dalam antologi Happiness, The Delight-Tree 2 (United Nations SRC Society of Writers, 2016). Dua buku puisinya berjudul Potret di Atas Meja (2012) dan Tanda bagi Tanya (GPU, 2017). Karena jejak kepenyairannya itu, ia menjadi salah satu pembicara di Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2013, serta pembicara dialog budaya di Publika, Kuala Lumpur. Ia pernah terpilih mengikuti Canada World Youth (Kemenpora RI, 2014-2015) dan turut menyusun biografi perupa Made Wianta yang berjudul Waktu Tuhan (2008). Tanda bagi Tanya (2017) adalah buku kumpulan puisinya yang termasuk dalam 10 besar kategori Karya Pertama atau Kedua, Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa 2017-2018.Kini, ia bekerja sebagai asisten riset sejarah dan presenter di TVRI Bali. Aktif di Komunitas Sahaja, Denpasar. Akun Instagram: @frischa_aswarini.

Examples of work

Tanda Bagi Tanya
Petang Penuh Pujaan