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I Ketut Angga Wijaya

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Full Name
I Ketut Angga Wijaya
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Angga Wijaya
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In English

Angga Wijaya is the pen name of I Ketut Angga Wijaya. Born in Negara, Bali, February 14, 1984. Learned to write poetry since high school when he joined the Cultural Paper Community under the care of the poet Nanoq da Kansas. His poems have been published in Warta Bali, Jembrana Post, Independent News, Riau Pos, Bali Post, Jogja Review, Serambi Indonesia, Denpost, Tribun Bali,,,,, simalaba. net and Dian Sastro's Poetry Anthology for President! End of Trilogy (INSIST Press, 2005) and Chewing Geram (One Hundred Poems Against Corruption) published by the Manikaya Kauci Foundation, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Jatijagat Kampung Poetry (2017). His poetry collection entitled “Notes Pulang” was launched in January 2018. Angga works as a journalist in Denpasar.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Bernama lengkap I Ketut Angga Wijaya. Lahir di Negara, Bali, 14 Februari 1984. Belajar menulis puisi sejak SMA saat bergabung di Komunitas Kertas Budaya asuhan penyair Nanoq da Kansas. Puisi-puisinya pernah dimuat di Warta Bali, Jembrana Post, Independent News, Riau Pos, Bali Post, Jogja Review, Serambi Indonesia, Denpost, Tribun Bali,,,,, dan Antologi Puisi Dian Sastro for President! End of Trilogy (INSIST Press, 2005) serta Mengunyah Geram (Seratus Puisi Melawan Korupsi) yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Manikaya Kauci, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan Jatijagat Kampung Puisi (2017). Buku kumpulan puisinya berjudul “Catatan Pulang” diluncurkan pada Januari 2018. Bekerja sebagai wartawan di Denpasar.

Examples of work

Catatan Pulang
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