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  • eyebrow (Andap) (Noun) en
  • alis (Andap) (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
wimba; rarik; siratnaya
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

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Inggih, unteng bebaosan sane mangkin inggih punika indik bulu. Titiang pacang nyobiahang indik parinama bulu sane wenten ring angga ngangge basa Bali. Bulu sane kapertama inggih punika sane wenten ring duur. Bulu sane niki. Bulu sane wenten ring duur puniki kawastanin rambut. Rambut puniki basa Baline bok. Sasuratan ipun B.O.K. Kawacen “bok” nggih. Raris sane kaping kalih inggih punika bulu sane wenten iriki. Bulu sane wenten irika kawastanin alis. Alis basa Baline tuah alis. Basa alusnyane wenten, kewanten nenten kasobiahang mangkin. Sane mangkin iraga mlajahang sane kawigunayang sadina-dina.
[example 1]
Okay, this time I'm going to talk about body hair. I'm going to tell you of the Balinese name for hair that grow on the human body, okay? The first kind of hair is the one that grow on top of the head. Right, the one here. This hair on the crown of your head is called "hair". In Balinese it is called "bok". Spelled B... O... K. And pronounced "bok", allright? Next is the hair that grow here. This hair is called eyebrow. In Balinese, eyebrow is "alis". There's a high Balinese word for it, but I won't delve into that at this moment, okay? We stick to the colloquial for now.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Wimba/Eyebrow/Alis

In English:   Paan/Thigh/Paha

In Indonesian:   Cunguh/Nose/Hidung

In Balinese:   Alis idane madon intaran, gigine nyeridanta, bibih tipis manis ngemu madu.

In English:  

In Indonesian:   Raden Putri memiliki alis yang indah, susunan gigi yang rapi, bibir tipis dengan senyum manis madu.
  1. Macan Gokil