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|Title=Loloh Cemcem
|Title=Loloh Cemcem
|Description text=Loloh is a traditional herbal medicine that is usually consumed by Balinese people to maintain body freshness. Generally, this loloh is made from turmeric or temulawak. But in Penglipuran Village, the loloh that is sold is made from kecemcem leaves. Although it is included in the type of herbal medicine, the taste of Loloh Cemcem is different from other herbs. Made from cemcem leaves or commonly called forest kedondong, this drink has a unique taste. If people say, it tastes like nano-nano because there are a collection of sour, salty, sweet, spicy, and also slightly wry flavors. This flavor variation is created from several ingredients. Cemcem leaves have a sour and slightly bitter taste, added with rujak (sweet, sour, spicy) seasoning as a neutralizer, and young coconut flesh to give a savory taste. The cemcem leaves used are a mixture of young and old leaves. The method of making it is also very simple so you can make it yourself at home. Cemcem leaves will be pounded or blended until crushed, after which it is filtered to get the juices. This leaf juice is then mixed again with water and rujak  seasoning  that has been boiled.
|Description text=Loloh is a traditional herbal medicine that is usually consumed by Balinese people to maintain body freshness. Generally, this loloh is made from turmeric or temulawak. But in Penglipuran Village, the loloh that is sold is made from kecemcem leaves. Although it is included in the type of herbal medicine, the taste of Loloh Cemcem is different from other herbs. Made from cemcem leaves or commonly called forest kedondong, this drink has a unique taste. If people say, it tastes like nano-nano because there are a collection of sour, salty, sweet, spicy, and also slightly wry flavors. This flavor variation is created from several ingredients. Cemcem leaves have a sour and slightly bitter taste, added with rujak (sweet, sour, spicy) seasoning as a neutralizer, and young coconut flesh to give a savory taste. The cemcem leaves used are a mixture of young and old leaves. The method of making it is also very simple so you can make it yourself at home. Cemcem leaves will be pounded or blended until crushed, after which it is filtered to get the juices. This leaf juice is then mixed again with water and rujak  seasoning  that has been boiled.
Penglipuran Village began to be promoted as a tourist village in 1993. The image of this village has become increasingly popular since it received the Kalpataru award from the government in 1995. However, this village has only started to be known among tourists after being designated as a tourist village in 2013. If you visit, you are allowed to go to the yard of residents' houses. As additional income, residents will sell souvenirs and plant seeds. This tourism development also encourages the growth of home industries that provide food and beverages, one of which is Loloh Cemcem. There are at least 5 families that produce Loloh Cemcem, each of which employs about 11 workers. The development is also fast. Not only at local food stalls in Penglipuran Village, Loloh Cemcem is also available in many food stalls outside Bangli. In addition to refreshing the body, Loloh Cemcem also has many benefits such as treating internal heat, smoothing constipation, and even lowering blood pressure.  In addition, even though it has a sour taste, this loloh is also safe for ulcer sufferers. As long as you drink it after eating, not on an empty stomach.  This beverage tastes best in colder weather. Loloh Cemcem is a traditional drink that has existed since the colonial era. Balinese people usually make their own loloh to treat heartburn. But strangely, Loloh Cemcem in mineral water bottles like this only boomed around 2014-2015. Loloh, the production of Penglipuran Village has penetrated outside the village. Not only traditional food stalls, the drink, which was originally called rujak klocing, has entered restaurants and culinary events held in Bali. For example, at the Bali Arts Festival, this loloh is selling well and is very popular among visitors. If you want to try a taste, this loloh is also sold in supermarkets.
Penglipuran Village began to be promoted as a tourist village in 1993. The image of this village has become increasingly popular since it received the Kalpataru award from the government in 1995. However, this village has only started to be known among tourists after being designated as a tourist village in 2013. If you visit, you are allowed to go to the yard of residents' houses. As additional income, residents will sell souvenirs and plant seeds. This tourism development also encourages the growth of home industries that provide food and beverages, one of which is Loloh Cemcem. There are at least 5 families that produce Loloh Cemcem, each of which employs about 11 workers. The development is also fast. Not only at local food stalls in Penglipuran Village, Loloh Cemcem is also available in many food stalls outside Bangli. In addition to refreshing the body, Loloh Cemcem also has many benefits such as treating internal heat, smoothing constipation, and even lowering blood pressure.  In addition, even though it has a sour taste, this loloh is also safe for ulcer sufferers. As long as you drink it after eating, not on an empty stomach.  This beverage tastes best in colder weather. Loloh Cemcem is a traditional drink that has existed since the colonial era. Balinese people usually make their own loloh to treat heartburn. But strangely, Loloh Cemcem in mineral water bottles like this only boomed around 2014-2015. Loloh, the production of Penglipuran Village has penetrated outside the village. Not only traditional food stalls, the drink, which was originally called rujak klocing, has entered restaurants and culinary events held in Bali. For example, at the Bali Arts Festival, this loloh is selling well and is very popular among visitors. If you want to try a taste, this loloh is also sold in supermarkets.

Revision as of 16:00, 12 October 2022

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              In English

              Loloh is a traditional herbal medicine that is usually consumed by Balinese people to maintain body freshness. Generally, this loloh is made from turmeric or temulawak. But in Penglipuran Village, the loloh that is sold is made from kecemcem leaves. Although it is included in the type of herbal medicine, the taste of Loloh Cemcem is different from other herbs. Made from cemcem leaves or commonly called forest kedondong, this drink has a unique taste. If people say, it tastes like nano-nano because there are a collection of sour, salty, sweet, spicy, and also slightly wry flavors. This flavor variation is created from several ingredients. Cemcem leaves have a sour and slightly bitter taste, added with rujak (sweet, sour, spicy) seasoning as a neutralizer, and young coconut flesh to give a savory taste. The cemcem leaves used are a mixture of young and old leaves. The method of making it is also very simple so you can make it yourself at home. Cemcem leaves will be pounded or blended until crushed, after which it is filtered to get the juices. This leaf juice is then mixed again with water and rujak seasoning that has been boiled. Penglipuran Village began to be promoted as a tourist village in 1993. The image of this village has become increasingly popular since it received the Kalpataru award from the government in 1995. However, this village has only started to be known among tourists after being designated as a tourist village in 2013. If you visit, you are allowed to go to the yard of residents' houses. As additional income, residents will sell souvenirs and plant seeds. This tourism development also encourages the growth of home industries that provide food and beverages, one of which is Loloh Cemcem. There are at least 5 families that produce Loloh Cemcem, each of which employs about 11 workers. The development is also fast. Not only at local food stalls in Penglipuran Village, Loloh Cemcem is also available in many food stalls outside Bangli. In addition to refreshing the body, Loloh Cemcem also has many benefits such as treating internal heat, smoothing constipation, and even lowering blood pressure. In addition, even though it has a sour taste, this loloh is also safe for ulcer sufferers. As long as you drink it after eating, not on an empty stomach. This beverage tastes best in colder weather. Loloh Cemcem is a traditional drink that has existed since the colonial era. Balinese people usually make their own loloh to treat heartburn. But strangely, Loloh Cemcem in mineral water bottles like this only boomed around 2014-2015. Loloh, the production of Penglipuran Village has penetrated outside the village. Not only traditional food stalls, the drink, which was originally called rujak klocing, has entered restaurants and culinary events held in Bali. For example, at the Bali Arts Festival, this loloh is selling well and is very popular among visitors. If you want to try a taste, this loloh is also sold in supermarkets.

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Loloh merupakan jamu tradisional yang biasanya dikonsumsi masyarakat Bali untuk menjaga kesegaran tubuh. Umumnya, loloh ini berbahan kunyit atau temulawak. Tetapi di Desa Penglipuran, loloh yang dijual berbahan baku daun kecemcem.

              Meskipun termasuk dalam jenis jamu, tetapi rasa Loloh Cemcem berbeda dengan jamu lainnya. Dibuat dari daun cemcem atau yang biasa disebut kedondong hutan, minuman ini memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Kalau kata orang, rasanya itu nano-nano karena ada kumpulan rasa asem, asin, manis, pedas, dan juga sedikit kecut. Variasi rasa ini tercipta dari bahan-bahan penyusunnya. Daun cemcem memiliki cita rasa asam dan sedikit pahit, ditambahkan bumbu rujak sebagai penetralisir, serta daging kelapa muda untuk memberikan rasa gurih.

              Daun cemcem yang digunakan adalah campuran daun muda dan tua. Cara pembuatannya juga masih sangat sederhana sehingga bisa dibuat sendiri di rumah. Daun cemcem akan ditumbuk atau diblender hingga hancur, setelah itu disaring untuk mendapatkan sari-sarinya. Sari daun ini kemudian dicampur lagi dengan air dan bumbu rujak yang sudah dididihkkan.

              Desa Penglipuran mulai dipromosikan sebagai desa wisata pada tahun 1993. Citra desa ini makin terkenal sejak menerima penghargaan Kalpataru dari pemerintah pada tahun 1995. Meskipun begitu, desa ini baru mulai dikenal di kalangan wisatawan setelah ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata pada tahun 2013.

              Bagi kamu yang pernah berkunjung, tentu tahu kalau wisatawan diizinkan untuk ke pekarangan rumah warga. Sebagai tambahan penghasilan, warga akan berjualan souvenir serta bibit tanaman. Perkembangan pariwisata ini juga mendorong tumbuhnya industri rumah tangga yang menyediakan makanan dan minuman, salah satunya ya Loloh Cemcem ini.

              Setidaknya ada 5 unit keluarga yang memproduksi Loloh Cemcem, yang masing-masing mempekerjakan sekitar 11 tenaga kerja. Perkembangannya juga pesat. Tidak hanya di warung-warung lokal Desa Penglipuran, Loloh Cemcem juga tersedia di banyak warung makan di luar Bangli.

              Selain untuk menyegarkan tubuh, Loloh Cemcem ini juga memiliki banyak manfaat seperti mengobati panas dalam, melancarkan sembelit, dan bahkan bisa menurunkan tekanan darah. Akan tetapi, sebagai minuman herbal, manjur atau tidaknya penggunaan Loloh Cemcem ini tentu kita tidak bisa memastikannya dalam sekali teguk, ya.

              Selain itu, meski memiliki cita rasa asam, loloh ini juga aman kok untuk penderita maag. Asalkan diminumnya setelah makan ya, tidak dalam keadaan perut kosong.

              Satu hal lagi, salah satu tips terasyik menikmati loloh ini adalah dalam keadaan dingin.

              Loloh Cemcem merupakan salah satu minuman tradisional yang sudah ada sejak zaman penjajahan. Masyarakat Bali biasa membuat sendiri loloh ini untuk mengobati panas dalam. Namun anehnya, Loloh Cemcem dalam kemasan botol air mineral seperti ini baru booming sekitar tahun 2014-2015.

              Loloh produksi Desa Penglipuran sudah merambah ke luar desa. Tidak hanya warung-warung makan tradisional, minuman pada awalnya disebut rujak klocing tersebut sudah masuk ke restoran dan ajang-ajang kuliner yang diadakan di Bali. Sebut saja di Pesta Kesenian Bali, loloh ini laris manis diserbu pengunjung.

              Jika kamu ingin mencoba mencicipi, loloh ini juga dijual di supermarket kok.