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Ida Ayu Komang Sartika Dewi

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Ida Ayu Komang Sartika Dewi
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Dayu Sartika
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In English

Fine art teacher and also a watercolor painter. Graduated from Fine Arts Education at Ganesha University of Education, giving her sufficient provision to teach manual drawing and watercolor painting, of course, from the basic level. Has been in the world of watercolor painting since 2016, and has quite a bit of experience in drawing courses.

Emerging Balinese artist Ida Ayu Komang Sartika Dewi’s creative practice strips away the invisible layers of her being in a quest for self-knowledge and understanding. In doing so, she explores her creative potential while engaging in powerful therapy. Disempowered by an array of painful illnesses since an early age, art has become Dayu’s perfect sanctuary.

Dayu was born in 1998 in Buleleng.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Guru seni rupa dan juga pelukis cat air. Lulus dari Pendidikan Seni Rupa di Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, memberikan dia bekal yang cukup untuk memberikan pembelajaran dalam menggambar secara manual dan melukis cat air, tentu saja dari tingkat dasar. Sudah berkecimbung dalam dunia seni lukis cat air sejak tahun 2016, dan memiliki cukup pengalaman dalam kursus menggambar.

Praktik kreatif seniman Bali yang sedang naik daun, Ida Ayu Komang Sartika Dewi, menghilangkan lapisan tak terlihat dari dirinya dalam pencarian pengetahuan dan pemahaman diri. Dengan melakukan itu, dia mengeksplorasi potensi kreatifnya sambil melakukan terapi yang kuat. Dilumpuhkan oleh berbagai penyakit yang menyakitkan sejak usia dini, seni telah menjadi tempat perlindungan Dayu yang sempurna.

Dayu lahir pada tahun 1998 di Buleleng.

Examples of work

Taste me, don't waste me
Dayu sartika taste me dont waste me.jpg
I must admit it. Being human in the material world, like it or not, we must make ourselves as attractive as possible. Either by improving yourself or….even self-exploitation?

Like sweets, even without tasting it, we know for sure it tastes sweet. Right? But with an attractive appearance, it will be faster to take the viewer’s heart, which ultimately determines their future (the sweets). But unfortunately, they only have two fates.

They are sold out or wasted, becoming rotten.

This is my first work inspired by life; instead of talking about my illness, using the object of my body and face as a representation. The reason? I am also human and have experienced this for myself. Young women need to make themselves attractive; otherwise, you will be left out.