A Conscious Journey Alongside a Philosophical Poet

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Title of Work
A Conscious Journey Alongside a Philosophical Poet
Modern Text
Photo Reference
Sawidji Gallery
Anak Agung Sagung Mas Ruscitadewi
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In English

Manus, an Existence born of Non Existence by Mas Ruscitadewi Five artists from various fields of art active in the Sawidji Artist Collective explore the question ‘what makes us human?’ This is a collaboration titled “Manus, a Conscious Journey” which opened on December 15, 2023, and will be open to the public until February 3, 2024. The exhibition is a Sawidji Collaboration working in partnership with Sudakara Art Space, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Manus, Eksistensi yang Lahir dari Ketiadaan Karya Mas Ruscitadewi Lima seniman dari berbagai bidang seni yang aktif dalam Sawidji Artist Collective mengeksplorasi pertanyaan ‘apa yang menjadikan kita manusia?’ Ini adalah kolaborasi bertajuk “Manus, Perjalanan Sadar” yang dibuka pada 15 Desember 2023 dan akan dibuka untuk umum. hingga 3 Februari 2024. Pameran ini merupakan Kolaborasi Sawidji bekerja sama dengan Sudakara Art Space, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia.

Text Excerpt

Bahasa Kawi/Kuno

In English

The Artists of Manus and Their Individual Language

Dibal Ranuh’s sharp and brilliant film and videography hit the right target. With the support of the naive and wild energy of Made Kaek’s visual works, framed in the power of ManButur’s photographs with sustained devotion. Together bound by the honesty of conscience in the works of Tjandra Hutama. With all of this embodied in physical artworks that are guided and illuminated in all spaces by Dian Dewi.

Manus, a Conscious Journey was created and exists because the five artists were able to negate the “self”, and set aside their egos. Manus collaboration is perhaps a metaphorical grey colour. The shade is created by the fusion of all their colours equally. A middle colour that allows for all the possibilities of new colours, whether they be lighter or darker.

In “Manus” there is the color of the mind which is fiery red, there is the color of the body which is black that plunges, there is white which is muffled, there is the color which is roaring blue, and there is also the color which is clear yellow.

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In Balinese

In Indonesian

Seniman Manus dan Bahasa Masing-masing

Film dan videografi Dibal Ranuh yang tajam dan cemerlang tepat sasaran. Dengan dukungan energi naif dan liar karya visual Made Kaek, dibingkai dalam kekuatan foto-foto ManButur dengan pengabdian yang tiada henti. Bersama-sama terikat oleh kejujuran hati nurani dalam karya-karya Tjandra Hutama. Semua itu diwujudkan dalam karya seni fisik yang dipandu dan diterangi di seluruh ruang oleh Dian Dewi.

Manus, Perjalanan Sadar tercipta dan hadir karena kelima seniman tersebut mampu meniadakan “diri”, dan mengesampingkan ego mereka. Kolaborasi Manu mungkin merupakan warna abu-abu metaforis. Bayangan tercipta dari perpaduan semua warna secara merata. Warna tengah yang memungkinkan semua kemungkinan warna baru, baik lebih terang maupun lebih gelap.

Dalam “Manus” ada warna pikiran yang merah membara, ada warna badan yang hitam yang menjerumuskan, ada yang putih yang kalem, ada yang warnanya biru menderu, dan ada juga yang warnanya biru. warnanya kuning bening.

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