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Kakawin Aji Palayon was written by Ida Bagus Putu Bek from Griya Suci, Gianyar. Aji Palayon means 'the science of death'. This kakawin contains the spirit's journey from death to heaven or hell. After leaving his body, the spirit sees his relatives who are surrounding him. After leaving his brother, this spirit or atma heads for Pura Dalem temple to face Dewi Durga. There, this spirit is surrounded by evil spirits who are the servants of Goddess Durga. Spirits who have only a few sins will not be hurt by the spirits. Then, the spirit continues its journey to the Sarayu River to purify itself before continuing its journey. In the river he meets a crocodile that is ready to eat him. The crocodile turns out to be the incarnation of the placenta that was born with him. Then, the crocodile leads him across the river. Arriving across the river, there is a female giant who wants to devour the spirit. The spirit then manages to subdue the giant. The journey continues to a steep mountain, where there is a tiger which is finally defeated. The next obstacle is the big, fierce dog. The dog is defeated also. Furthermore, there are some bhutakala devils who wish to devour the soul. The demons are eventually ordered to go to the spirit's family house because there are various types of food offerings provided there. Finally, the atma arrives at a very clear lake called Pancaka Tirtha or Samanta Pancaka. This lake is not imaginary. This lake is now located in Kuruksetra, northern India, and has been a holy place since the era of Manu. After bathing at Samanta Pancaka, the spirit becomes clean and golden in color. Then, the heavenly apsaras (apsaras) picked him up. In heaven, he was told to do the right things.  +
Aji Pari means ‘the spell of rice'. This lontar is written in ancient Javanese and is one of the lontars which contains teachings about traditional agriculture. Aji Pari is in the same category as agricultural lontars such as Usada Taru Pramana, Aji Janantaka, Usada Carik, and so on. Aji Pari in general contains mantras about the greatness of rice from the time it is planted to post-harvest. This lontar is closely related to the Subak organization, which is thought to have existed since the ninth century. Within the Subak organization, there are many special ceremonies for rice starting from before planting to after harvest. In other words, rice is treated like a human undergoing developmental phases. Lontar Aji pari likens rice to a sacred tree which is a form of the goddess Sri (the goddess of prosperity) as a tree. Therefore, in each phase of rice development, it is given different names. Lontar Aji Pari revealed that traditional Balinese and Javanese people highly respect rice plants as the main source of food in an agrarian society. Based on what is contained in Aji Pari's lontar, it can be assumed that the rice seeds in Bali came from Java, to be precise during the Airlangga era or before. Perhaps at that time there were native Balinese rice species, but in allegory this lontar states that Bhatara Sri came from Kamulan (East Java). This indicates that there was a better breeding of rice species in East Java at that time, which was later developed in Bali as well.  +
The cone-shaped of Kayonan in shadow puppets symbolize human life. The higher the knowledge and the older the age, The higher the knowledge and the older the age, humans must increasingly conical unite the Soul, Sense, Creation, Initiative, and Work in our lives (closer to the God).  +
This baligraphy is in the form of a person who is carrying out penance. This baligraphy reads tri kona which contains utpeti, stiti, and pralina, the sacred characters Ong, Ang, Ung, and Mang, as well as Tri Kaya Parisudha which consists of kayika, wacika, and manacika parisudha.This Baligraphy is a participant in the 2023 Makantisastra III event organized by the Bali Penyuluh Bahasa Bali Provinsi Bali on duty in Gianyar Regency on December 1 2023.  +
Good morning,everyone. First of all, let's offer thanks to the presence of God Almighty. Here I would like to thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ni Kadek Feby Dhiyo Dharma Yanthi, I am from SMK Negeri 2 Seririt. Here I will deliver an oration about the conversion of agricultural land. This is one of the problems that must be overcome by potential Balinese leaders. As we know, the population of Bali is increasing and more and more foreign tourists are visiting, therefore a lot of agricultural land is being converted into housing, hotels, restaurants and other buildings that support the tourism industry. Therefore, there are no farmers in Bali who own large areas of land. Head of the Bali Agriculture and Food Security Service, I Wayan Sunada, explained that currently the largest farmer's land area in Bali is around 75 are/0.75 ha, it is very rare for farmers to have land above one hectare. "The weakness of farmers in Bali currently is that their land is limited, some are 25 hectares, the maximum is 75 hectares. "This is the result of land conversion that occurs every year." said Sunada to Bisnis, Wednesday (22/6/2022). Based on these problems, the Government or prospective Bali Provincial Government must really pay attention to the problem of Land Conversion by ensuring the welfare of farmers, for example: 1. During the planting season, attention must be paid to the distribution of subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers to avoid fertilizer shortages. 2. During the harvest season, the Government must help farmers market their agricultural products. If the government really paid attention to the welfare of farmers, land conversion could be prevented because people and the younger generation would want to become farmers. In this way, the national food security program can be achieved. That is the speech that I can convey, if there are any sentences that are not acceptable, I apologize profusely. I would like to express my gratitude  
Signs of the Kaliyuga era have appeared with various phenomena and problems that occur in society. Starting from corruption, robbery, murder, sexual harassment, abortion, domestic violence and various other immoral incidents that reflect or depict that we are in the Kaliyuga era. The ogoh-ogoh whose name is Amukti Kalki Awatara as the embodiment or reflection of the Kaliyuga era 5000 years ago which existed in the Sastras or the books of the Puranas and the Bhawadgita occurred at this time. This avatar is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu whose enemies are immoral humans. It is also our hope that the concept of ogoh-ogoh can at least remind and reawaken humanity that the earth is not doing well right now.  +
An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19  +
Women As The Main Role of Ward Off The Fake News In the world of globalization today, all people are faced with an extremely fast flow of information. Lots of information makes it easy and also useful for the community, but there is also misinformation and misinformation that is spread by irresponsible people which are very dangerous if it is spread into the community. Information is very easy to access even for young children. Here the importance of the role of women in protecting their own families and environment so as not to be influenced by the hoax. Women can be the main bulwark in the face of fake news as well as become ambassadors for social media literacy because generally, children are very close to their mothers. Hoaxes or fake news are often wrapped in a catchy headline, that can draw the emotional side of a person. The spread of fake news has many purposes, one of which is to divide people and cause divisions. Women as a mother can simultaneously direct their partners and their environment to have an important role in stopping the spread of fake news. By instilling a literacy culture in the children and the environment, information will be fully delivered and accurate that leads to a reading culture, improve human resources in the future, and avoid fake news made by irresponsible people. Women often feel insecure, and feel less intelligent than others, so, they are scared to express their opinions if they find wrong information. Women as literacy agents must be able to ward of hoaxes and be able to sort out logical news also consider whether the news is important or not to be spread. With the active involvement of women, it will certainly minimize the spread of hoax news in society.  +
Circulating a video showing a man surrounded by many people as if he was being interrogated, went viral on social media. The news is circulating, the man has impregnated 17 women. The Kapolsek Teluknaga, AKP Edy Suprayitno spoke about this. He explained that the news about the man who impregnated 17 women was not true. After getting the news, the police asked several parties related to the video. It turned out that the case was sitting because of a failed love affair. Investigate it, the woman does not accept the decision from her lover. Then the woman spread the word that the man had impregnated 17 other women. both parties have agreed to resolve the case amicably. The point is that circulating on social media is not true.  +
Women, as housewives, join the workforce to help their families finance. The quality of life of women in this study was influenced by factors of education, work ethic and age. This study aims to analyze the influence of educational factors, work ethic and age on the quality of life of women. This research takes place in three locations in Bongkasa Village, Bongkasa Pertiwi Village and Sangeh Village, Badung Regency. Utilizing both primary and secondary data collected from 98 samples and some techniques analyzes this study finds that the factors of education, work ethic, and age simultaneously influence the quality of life of women in the three villages in Abiansemal District, Badung Regency. Education and work ethic partially have a positive and significant effect on the quality of life of women. Meanwhile, age does not affect the quality of life of women in the villages of Bongkasa, Bongkasa Pertiwi, and Sangeh, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency.  +
This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of the level of education, investment and economic growth on poverty conditions in Karangasem Regency. This area was chosen as the research location because Karangasem Regency still has a relatively higher percentage of poverty level compared to the rest ofeight districts in Bali Province. The study uses a non-participant observation approach utilizing secondary data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Karangasem Regency.To analyze the collected data, this study uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the level of education, investment and economic growth simultaneously had a significant effect on poverty conditions in Karangasem district. Each of the dependent variabel – the level of education, investment and economic growth -- hasnegative and significant effect on poverty conditions in Karangasem district. The variable that has a dominant influence on poverty conditions in Karangasem district is the investment variable.  +
DIFFERENT BUT STILL UNITED, THAT IS PANCASILA Don’t turn any differences into chaos. Bring those diversities as special characteristics of this country so that it is always filled with beauty of different colors. Also, please don’t use those diversities as media of hatred and egoism when we think or act because any differences could create disharmony and disunity that will weaken the country. Let’s go hand in hand together, although we are all different. [A rhytmic poem:] From Bedulu to Singaraja, buying bananas at the market, I’m ready to pay! Long live the Republic of Indonesia, happy 77th independence day!  +
Angenan is a lamp that resembles a phallus made from coconut shells, in the middle of the coconut there is rice, chicken or duck egg shells filled with coconut oil and a wick in the form of white thread and kepeng money. On it there are coils of colorful thread, white and yellow, or tri datu (red, black, white). This angenan is placed on the bed or on the chest of a deceased person. On the day of burial, the deceased's relatives take the corpse to the cemetery because it will be melted down.  +
Another Gutenberg Effect. Our changing social behaviours and its effect on our relationship with Art. Contemporary Art Bali.  +
Social and Culture represented to discuss some of the issues that are affecting the longevity and authenticity of traditional practices in Bali today. Issues such as commercialisation of art and culture and its potential impacts on generations from today. "It is not the lack of change that we should admire here. For there is definitely change. it would be foolish to deny that. It is the effort and the collective commitment that has survived even to this degree the ravaging changes that time and progress has brought everywhere else. I admire the fact that there is evidence that change may come, but there is still choice."  +
The conservation of the productive plant and the plant which use to the hindu's ceremony  +
Who doesn't know Mixue? A fast food product from China. If there is an empty shop, it won't be long before it becomes a Mixue outlet. What makes Mixue booming? Some say it's because it's cheap, it's delicious, so it's trendy, all of this. Then until when will we just be consumers? Of the thousands of young people, is it true that no one can compete with Mixue? Now, try to get the government to go into the field, visit MSMEs in the regions, help promote them, or if you may ask, make a policy so that young entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to borrow investment capital more easily. Mixue is good in the sense that it provides jobs, but it is definitely better if the Balinese businesses can be as viral as Mixue.  +
How are you doing, audience? Have you had a vacation anywhere, gone to work, or returned to your hometown for the holidays? How was the trip, was it smooth as snow or did it make your head spin? Some say that the roads in Bali are good and safe to use, but many say that many roads in Bali are still damaged and unsafe to ride. Denpasar, the capital of Bali, is often found to have damaged roads that are difficult to pass through. So, what about the roads located in villages in several districts in Bali. Many rural areas have collapsed roads, potholes, and even broken roads. Road maintenance and repairs have indeed been carried out but it must be more evenly distributed so that not only a few main roads are repaired. Many roads in remote areas have been damaged and impassable for years but have yet to receive reinforcements. Articles and social media often report on traffic jams, accidents, and delayed delivery of goods, but it is rarely known that one of the main causes is road damage. Damaged roads tend to make it impossible for people to pass through. This causes some jobs, delivery of goods and trade activities around the road to be disrupted which will certainly disrupt the economy of the community. With the 2024 election, it is certainly the hope of the people that there will be a revitalization of the new government in the improvement and development of the community which can be started from the main problem, namely roads. The government must be able to allocate existing funds as well as possible for the construction of roads that are evenly distributed throughout Bali. Even though it has a lot of fund, if they are not allocated properly the results will be useless and there will be no complete balance. Roads are important in every activity we do, especially Bali as a tourist destination visited by many foreign tourists. Therefore, let’s make the initial improvements by starting to repair the roads.  +
Live in Bali but can't speak Balinese? What's the rest of the world going to say? Let's learn together... There is a great app to learn Balinese online now, Bro... Let's download it So you can teach me Balinese, Bro...  +