How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • suicide, a person who commits suicide was buried in the sema salah and had to have two ngaben ceremonies. Those who died of accident, alih pati, also had to be buried in the sema salah. Not done any more. Pati, according to Linud, means dead, and is Balinese, which is different than the Sanskrit pati meaning animal. en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Upacara pacaruan patut kalaksananyang irika saantukan dibi wenten anak salah pati ngantung dewek irika
No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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