Property:WikithonRecordText en

From BASAbaliWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
the cockfights was dispersed after the police came.  +
He comes to palace.  +
Tusuk ikan/daging itu (dengan tali) dan gantung agar tidak kotor.  +
He watched people play musical instruments at the gong hall.  +
Malu bercampur marah perasaannya mengetahui anaknya ditangkap polisi  +
Peel the mango until it clean.  +
Om Swastiastu. My name is I Kadek Yoga Pratama. I go to Trisakti Tampak Siring Trade School of Tourism. What I do everyday is mostly carving. That’s it.  +
White buffalo is used as a means of ceremony at temples.  +
When there was a Corona virus pandemic, Wayan stayed home to be protected.  +
The story of I Berit Kuning  +
The trash is scattered in the yard.  +
I feel sick (nausea) to hear what he said  +
Here is the money, Ma'am.  +
Sugarless coffee tastes very bitter.  +
I don't wanna make you a table.  +
Father bought mulung coconut for medicine.  +
He brought dipper to river.  +
Don't hurt yourself.  +
It has been two months since the illness has come and gone.  +
My hand was injured by a knife.  +