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    In English

    Playing football is an exciting thing for many people, it makes the heart cheerful and happy, especially when it is playing against opponents and scoring goals. Playing football is also good for heart health. In playing football, many people learn togetherness and discipline. Every day is certain and everyone usually has a schedule to practice with his friends. On the sidelines of playing football, sometimes there are funny things at the same time all the players laugh and laugh, for example there is a player whose shoes are released because of the enthusiasm to kick the ball, even though "the ball doesn't kick but his shoes fly" the shoes must be loose or too big. Not to mention if there is a goalkeeper who is too forward, not the ball that is driven, even the opponent's foot is caught. At school, people usually have a Futsal team and have even won 1st place.

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian

    Bermain bola adalah hal yang seru buat banyak orang, membuat hati riang dan gembira terlebih saat mengocek lawan dan mencetak gol. Bermain bola juga baik untuk menyehatkan jantung. Dalam bermain bola banyak orang belajar kebersamaan dan kedisiplinan. Setiap hari tertentu dan setiap orang biasanya memiliki jadwal jadwal berlatih bersama teman-temannya. Di sela-sela bermain bola kadang ada hal-hal yang lucu serentak semua pemain jadi tertawa tawa, misalnya ada pemain sepatunya terlepas saking semangat untuk menendang bola, padahal “bolanya tidak tertendang malah sepatunya melayang” pasti sepatunya longgar atau kegedean. Belum lagi bila ada kiper terlalu ke depan bukan bola yang dihalau malah kaki lawan yang di tangkap. Di sekolah orang biasanya mempunyai team Futsal bahkan pernah menjadi juara 1.