Ter-teran / Perang Api

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FB IMG 1619192418171.jpg
Holiday or Ceremony
Ter-teran / Perang Api
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            Information about Holiday or Ceremony

            Ter-teran / Perang Api
            FB IMG 1619192549465.jpg

            Where did this ceremony take place:

            In English

            Who has heard of Ter-teran? Ter-teran is a fire war tradition carried out by the people of Seraya Village, Pakraman Saren Village, and Pakraman Jasri Village in the Karangasem Regency. A lesser-known tradition, Ter-teran is held every two years, namely in the even year of 'pengrupukan', the day before Nyepi. The tools used for Ter-teran are the prokpak/bobok (and tied dry coconut) torches, the middle of the tied coconut leaves are filled with sticks or small sticks so that the range of the throw can be farther and stronger. The torches are lit and thrown between the players making a "ter-ter" sound which is why this tradition is called Ter-teran. The players consist of young and old men, divided into two groups, namely the northern group of the Balai Banjar and the south of the Balai Banjar. This tradition is held at night, around 6pm, with the electricity switched off, illuminated only by the torchlight. If there is a player who is hit by fire, then the wound is smeared or sprinkled with Tirta water (holy water) which is requested before Ida Batara (God). Ter-teran contains a theological meaning, namely the belief in the community that the implementation of Ter-teran ceremonies can drive out evil spirits to the sea or their realm. Source: NOW Bali

            In Balinese

            In Indonesian

            TER TERAN / PERANG API

            Terteran atau ritual perang api adalah suatu ritual di Desa Adat Jasri, Kelurahan Subagan, Karangasem, Bali, yang digelar setiap dua tahun sekali. Selain untuk memohon keselamatan, tradisi ini juga bertujuan untuk mengusir roh jahat.

            Sebab, tanpa tradisi tersebut maka upacara belum dikatakan lengkap. Di mana, tradisi tersebut layaknya perang kaum lelaki dengan jarak dekat melalui sarana prakpak (daun kelapa kering yang di ikat lalu di bakar Red).

            “Terteran merupakan tradisi suci, mengajarkan tentang nilai kesantunan, sportivitas, persaudaraan dan keikhlasan. Karena itu setiap peserta wajib hukumnya menjaga tradisi ini bisa berjalan dengan sakral dan khidmat,

            Sumber : http://balifactualnews.com/terteran-desa-adat-jasri-tradisi-unik-usir-roh-jahat/

            Nyoman Butur Suantara


            <ul><li>Property "Holiday information text" (as page type) with input value "Who has heard of Ter-teran? Ter-teran is a fire war tradition carried out by the people of Seraya Village, Pakraman Saren Village, and Pakraman Jasri Village in the Karangasem Regency. A lesser-known tradition, Ter-teran is held every two years, namely in the even year of 'pengrupukan', the day before Nyepi. The tools used for Ter-teran are the prokpak/bobok (and tied dry coconut) torches, the middle of the tied coconut leaves are filled with sticks or small sticks so that the range of the throw can be farther and stronger. The torches are lit and thrown between the players making a "ter-ter" sound which is why this tradition is called Ter-teran. The players consist of young and old men, divided into two groups, namely the northern group of the Balai Banjar and the south of the Balai Banjar. This tradition is held at night, around 6pm, with the electricity switched off, illuminated only by the torchlight. If there is a player who is hit by fire, then the wound is smeared or sprinkled with Tirta water (holy water) which is requested before Ida Batara (God). Ter-teran contains a theological meaning, namely the belief in the community that the implementation of Ter-teran ceremonies can drive out evil spirits to the sea or their realm. Source: NOW Bali" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Holiday information text id" (as page type) with input value "TER TERAN / PERANG API Terteran atau ritual perang api adalah suatu ritual di Desa Adat Jasri, Kelurahan Subagan, Karangasem, Bali, yang digelar setiap dua tahun sekali. Selain untuk memohon keselamatan, tradisi ini juga bertujuan untuk mengusir roh jahat.Sebab, tanpa tradisi tersebut maka upacara belum dikatakan lengkap. Di mana, tradisi tersebut layaknya perang kaum lelaki dengan jarak dekat melalui sarana prakpak (daun kelapa kering yang di ikat lalu di bakar Red).“Terteran merupakan tradisi suci, mengajarkan tentang nilai kesantunan, sportivitas, persaudaraan dan keikhlasan. Karena itu setiap peserta wajib hukumnya menjaga tradisi ini bisa berjalan dengan sakral dan khidmat,Sumber : http://balifactualnews.com/terteran-desa-adat-jasri-tradisi-unik-usir-roh-jahat/" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>