Jaja Bendu

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              In English

              Jaja Bendu is a traditional cake from Jembrana Regency. From the outside, this cake looks simple. But when it’s tasted, it feels amazing! Due to its delicious taste, Jaja Bendu is always present at every formal and non-formal event held by Balinese people, especially in Jembrana.

              Jaja bendu is made from sticky rice, grated coconut, and Balinese sugar. Glutinous flour is the basic ingredient to make the skin layer. While grated coconut and Balinese sugar are cooked into unti (grated coconut mixed with liquid sugar), then it’s used as the contents of the cake. It’s easy to make it. Glutinous rice flour is mixed with grated coconut. At the same time, boil water with hibiscus leaves. After that, add the boiled water and salt sufficiently to the mixture, and roast it using a pan. When the skin is finished, fill it with unti, shape it (usually cylindrical roll or triangle), then wrap it in banana leaf.

              Jaja Bendu resembles a lupis cake. The difference is, if lupis cake is poured with brown sugar souce and coconut, on the other hand, jaja bendu is filled with brown sugar and coconut. Fo those who love sweets, of course this snack could be your favourite.

              Jaja Bendu can be categorized as street food snacks. It can be found in many street markets. Although it’s a snack from Jembrana, you can find it easily in every district. Anyway, if you buy or make Jaja Bendu, it should be consumed immediately because this food can only last a day. Do you want to try one? You should definitely enjoy the snack with bitter coffee. It will taste better!

              In Balinese

              In Indonesian

              Jaja bendu dibuat dari tepung ketan yang diisi campuran parutan kelapa dan gula Bali atau biasa disebut unti. Peminatnya yang makin banyak membuat jaja bendu sekarang banyak dijual di pasar tradisional dengan harga yang relatif murah. Membuat jaja bendu sangat mudah, siapkan tepung beras ketan dan campur dengan kelapa parut, adon dengan air sampai lembut atau lebih bagus mengggunakan air dari daun kembang sepatu dan garam secukupnya. Kemudian panggang atau disangrai dengan menggunakan adonan khusus. Cara memanggang pun harus menggunakan teknik khusus agar lapisannya tipis. Untuk isi jaja bendu, unti manis dari kelapa. Kalau dadar gulung bisa diisi dengan unti kelapa dan kacang ijo, tetapi jaja bendu hanya unti kelapa saja. Takaran bahan harus pas saat membuat adonan bendu. Sementara cara menggulungnya sama dengan dadar gulung. Daun pisang sengaja dipilih untuk membungkus jaja bendu agar kue tetap kering atau tidak lembek. Selain terlihat lebih rapi, aroma daun pisang membuat jaja bendu terasa lebih nikmat. Namun jaja bendu tidak tahan lama, hanya bertahan selama satu hari. Jaja bendu yang manis ini sangat cocok dihidangkan dengan kopi.