How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • a small rhizome that is a standard ingredient in Balinese spices en
  • it is called kencur in Indonesian and available as a powder in some supermarkets in Bali en
  • not generally available in the West en
  • easily distinguished from isen, greater galangal (Alpinia galanga) en
  • spice en
  • East-Indian galangal en
  • Sejenis bumbu dapur yang berkhasiat sebagai penghangat; kencur sering juga digunakan dalam peribahasa. id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Da mabet dueg, awak nu mapupuk cekuh!. (Paribasa)
[example 1]
No translation exists for this example.

Yoga: Apa ‘gen basanne? Ayu: Tabia, sera, tomat, kesuna, bawang, tabia gede, jae, cekuh, sera, uyah, teken gula.
[example 2]
Yoga: What are the ingredients? Ayu: Chili, shrimp paste, tomato, garlic, shallot, red hot chili, ginger, cutcherry, shrimp paste, salt, and sugar.

I meme ngaenang boreh baas cekuh apang enggal seger kokohan tiange.
My mother is making me an ointment of beras kencur* so that my cough will get better quickly.
  • Beras kencur is a mixture of rice powder and Kaemfperia galanga - a type of galanggal

Cekuh anggen obat kokohan

1. Pakpak ajari cekuh sareng tangan akepel baas .

2. Yening sampun dekdek borehin ring sejeroning angga ( dada , bangkiang, tangan lan batis )
[example 3]
Kencur (a type of galanggal) can be used to treat coughs:

1. Chew a piece of Cekuh* with a small handful of rice. 2. When broken down, smear the mixture over the entire body (chest, back, hands and feet).

  • Cekuh is Kaemfperia galanga - a type of galanggal

EmbedVideo received the bad id "" for the service "youtube".
Yening keseleo, cekuh dadi anggon ubadne.
No translation exists for this example.

EmbedVideo received the bad id "" for the service "youtube".
yening batise keseleo olesin cekuh ane metumbuk.
No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. sulibra
  2. BASAbali software
  3. Usada Semeton Muntigunung; Zukunft fur Kinder