Wayan Sujana Suklu

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Full Name
Wayan Sujana Suklu
Pen Name
Photograph by
Dewi Dian Reich
Link to Photograph
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In English

Sujana Suklu is known as a progressive thinker of contemporary art in Bali. With a pioneering vision that reflects a universal philosophy. Sujana Suklus’ contributions are vast in scope, encompassing multi-disciplinary fields within fine arts, academic and community platforms. Suklus’ academic research explores ways to bring art methodologies into communities cultivating and preserving local wisdom whilst expanding existing skill sets. The beauty of this research is that it has been applied and is actively growing in communities today. He was born in Lepang, Klungkung, Bali, February 6, 1967. His works have been shown in a number of joint exhibitions at home and abroad, including: Beijing International Art Biennale. Bangladesh XI Biennale. His solo exhibitions include: "Panji, Between Body and Shadow" at the IMF International Art Event, Nusa Dua Bali (2018), "Intermingle Art Project, Light Pattern at Bentara Budaya Bali (2017), "Wings and Time" at Komaneka Fine Art Gallery (2016). The awards he has won are "The Winner of the Indofood Art Awards Competition on Abstract Category" (2003), "The Best 10 Indonesia Competition of the Philip Morris Art Awards (2003). Suklu has also been one of the curators of the exhibition “Bali Megarupa” (2019).

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Sujana Suklu dikenal sebagai pemikir progresif seni rupa kontemporer di Bali. Dengan visi kepeloporan yang mencerminkan filosofi universal. Kontribusi Sujana Suklus sangat luas cakupannya, mencakup bidang multidisiplin dalam platform seni rupa, akademik dan komunitas. Penelitian akademik Suklus mengeksplorasi cara-cara untuk membawa metodologi seni ke dalam komunitas yang mengolah dan melestarikan kearifan lokal sambil memperluas keahlian yang ada. Keindahan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa hal itu telah diterapkan dan berkembang secara aktif di masyarakat saat ini. Wayan Sujana alias Suklu adalah seorang pelukis dan dosen seni rupa ISI Denpasar. Dia lahir di Lepang, Klungkung, Bali, 6 Februari1967. Karya-karyanya pernah ditampilkan dalam sejumlah pameran bersama di dalam dan luar negeri, antara lain: Beijing International Art Biennale. Bangladesh XI Biennale. Pameran tunggalnya, antara lain: "Panji, Between Body and Shadow" di IMF International Art Event, Nusa Dua Bali (2018), "Intermingle Art Project, Light Pattern di Bentara Budaya Bali (2017), "Wings and Time" di Komaneka Fine Art Gallery (2016). Penghargaan yang pernah diraihnya adalah “The Winner of the Indofood Art Awards Competition on Abstract Category” (2003), “The Best 10 Indonesia Competition of the Philip Morris Art Awards (2003). Suklu juga pernah menjadi salah satu kurator pameran “Bali Megarupa” (2019).

Examples of work

Suklu Epilogue.jpg
Epilogue by Suklu. Acrylic on Canvas, 2023. Explore the collection of contemporary art at Sawidji Gallery. Epilogue by Suklu is part of his Mata Kerta Gosa Series.


Awang #1
Sawidji Suklu Art00003.jpg
Awang #1, Acrylic on canvas by Sujana Suklu, 2023. Explore the collection at Sawidji Gallery. Awang #1 by Suklu is part of his Mata Kerta Gosa Series.


Awang #3
Sawidji Suklu Art00005.jpg
Awang #3, Acrylic on Canvas by Sujana Suklu, 2023. Explore the collection by contemporary artists at Sawidji Gallery. Awang #3 by Suklu is part of his Mata Kerta Gosa Series.
