Ni Nyoman Sani

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Full Name
Ni Nyoman Sani
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In English

Ni Nyoman Sani was born in Sanur, Bali, August 10, 1975. She graduated from the fine arts department of ISI Denpasar. Apart from painting, she is also interested in photography, poetry, and fashion. Sani's paintings talk a lot about women in the context of the world of fashion shows. The colors of the paintings are soft and very feminine. Since 1995, Sani has been actively displaying her work in joint exhibitions, both at home and abroad. Her solo exhibitions include Life Style at the Seniwati Gallery (Ubud, 1997), Pose at the Amankila Hotel (Candidasa, 1999), All About Women at Kiri Desa Gallery (Singapore, 2002), The Pleasure of Looking at Griya Santrian Gallery (Sanur, 2002). 2003), Between Two Worlds at O ​​House Gallery (Jakarta, 2007), Women at Curiocity Nafa Me Fashion Gallery (Singapore, 2008), Residency in Haarlem (Netherlands, 2009), The Adventure of My Soul at Bentara Budaya Bali (2011) , Enigma in Fusion Style (Ubud, 2012). In 2000, a painting by Sani was included in the 100 Finalist of Philip Morris, Jakarta.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ni Nyoman Sani lahir di Sanur, Bali, 10 Agustus 1975. Dia lulusan seni rupa ISI Denpasar. Selain melukis, dia juga tertarik pada seni fotografi, puisi, dan fashion. Lukisan-lukisan Sani banyak berbicara tentang perempuan dalam konteks dunia fashion show. Warna-warna lukisannya lembut dan sangat feminim.

Sejak 1995, Sani aktif menampilkan karyanya dalam pameran bersama, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Pameran tunggalnya, antara lain Life Style di Seniwati Gallery (Ubud, 1997), Pose di Amankila Hotel (Candidasa, 1999), All About Women di Kiri Desa Gallery (Singapura, 2002), The Pleasure of Looking di Griya Santrian Gallery (Sanur, 2003), Antara Dua Dunia di O House Gallery (Jakarta, 2007), Perempuan di Curiocity Nafa Me Fashion Gallery (Singapura, 2008), Residency di Haarlem (Belanda, 2009), The Adventure of My Soul di Bentara Budaya Bali (2011), Enigma di Gaya Fusion (Ubud, 2012). Pada tahun 2000, sebuah lukisan karya Sani masuk dalam 100 Finalist of Philip Morris, Jakarta.

Examples of work