Made Astika

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Full Name
Made Astika
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In English

Made Astika was born in Karangasem-Bali, May 13, 1983. His undergraduate studies at the Singaraja State IKIP took the Department of Language, Indonesian and Regional Literature Education. During college, he served as Chair of HMJ Jurdik BSID 2005/2006 and Deputy Chair of the Student Senate of the Faculty of Language and Arts for the 2004/2005 period. He was also trusted to be the Coordinator of IMABSII (Indonesian Language and Literature Student Association) for the Bali Region in 2005/2006. He studied Literature, Gadjah Mada University in 2011. His short writings were published in the daily Bali Post and Bali Orti. A number of his published books are Oral Literature: Theory and Its Application (Teaching Books), Text Genre (Teaching Books), Before Hari Anniversary Wins (Lyric Prose Anthology), Historia Senja (Poetry Anthology) and several works in joint poetry anthologies. Now, he teaches at Ganesha University of Education, and is also the Coordinator of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Made Astika lahir di Karangasem-Bali, 13 Mei 1983. Studi S1 di IKIP Negeri Singaraja mengambil Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah. Semasa kuliah, sempat menjadi Ketua HMJ Jurdik BSID 2005/2006 dan Wakil Ketua Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni periode 2004/2005. Pun dipercayai menjadi Koordinator IMABSII (Ikatan Mahasiswa Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia se-Indonesia) untuk Wilayah Bali tahun 2005/2006. Menempuh studi S2 Ilmu Sastra, Universitas Gadjah Mada Tahun 2011. Tulisan-tulisan kecilnya dimuat di harian Bali Post dan Bali Orti. Sejumlah bukunya yang telah terbit adalah Sastra Lisan: Teori dan Penerapannya (Buku Ajar), Genre Teks (Buku Ajar), Sebelum Hari Jadi Menang (Antologi Prosa Liris), Historia Senja (Antologi Puisi) dan beberapa karya dalam antologi puisi bersama. Kini, ia mengajar di Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, sekaligus menjadi Koordinator Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.

Examples of work

Historia Senja