I Wayan Suartha

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I Wayan Suartha
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In English

I Wayan Suartha was born in Klungkung in 1957. Retired as a teacher for ASN (State Civil Apparatus) at SMA Wisata-PGRI Dawan, Klungkung. After retiring in 2017, he was assigned as the head of literacy at the same school. Suartha wrote poetry since junior high school, but it was only published in 1977 in a number of mass media, such as Bali Post, Karya Bakti, Student News, Nusa Tenggara, Hai Magazine, and Merdeka. In addition to writing poetry, Suartha is also active in writing short stories, drama scripts, as well as small notes on literary and theater appreciation. Dozens of fragments have been played on TVRI Denpasar Station.

His poems have been published in a number of anthologies with other poets, including Pintu Ilalang, Spektrum, The Ginseng, Shades of Inner Coloring, the Balinese anthology Pupute Tan Sida Puput, and Klungkung Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta. His literary historical work entitled Lebur Ring Klungkung in the form of an illustrated story was written with Ida Bagus Gde Parwita, guided by the history of the Puputan Klungkung incident. In 2005, together with I.B.G Parwita, he was invited to read his poems at the Ubud Wirters and Readers Festival. A collection of scripts for his drama chain Putus was published in 2012 which won him the Widya Pataka award from the Bali Provincial Government.

Suartha now lives in Banjar Pekandelan Kelod, Semarapura, Klungkung.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

I Wayan Suartha lahir di Klungkung tahun 1957. Pensiun sebagai guru ASN ( Aparatur Sipil Negara ) di SMA Pariwisata-PGRI Dawan, Klungkung. Setelah pensiun tahun 2017, ditugasi sebagai ketua bidang literasi di sekolah yang sama. Suartha menulis sajak sejak SMP, tetapi baru dipublikasikan tahun 1977 di sejumlah Media Massa, seperti Bali Post, Karya Bakti, Warta Mahasiswa, Nusa Tenggara, Majalah Hai, dan Merdeka. Di samping menulis sajak, Suartha juga aktif menulis cerpen, naskah drama, serta catatan kecil apresiasi sastra dan teater. Puluhan fragmennya pernah dimainkan di TVRI Stasiun Denpasar. Sajak-sajaknya dimuat dalam sejumlah antologi bersama penyair lain, antara lain Pintu Ilalang, Spektrum, The Ginseng, Nuansa Tata Warna Batin, Antologi berbahasa Bali Pupute Tan Sida Puput, serta Klungkung Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta. Karya Sastra Sejarah berjudul Lebur Ring Klungkung dalam bentuk cerita bergambar ditulisnya bersama Ida Bagus Gde Parwita, dengan berpedoman pada Sejarah Peristiwa Puputan Klungkung. Tahun 2005 bersama I.B.G Parwita diundang membacakan sajaknya dalam Ubud Wirters and Readers Festival. Kumpulan naskah Dramanya rantai Putus terbit tahun 2012 yang mengantarkannya meraih penghargaan Widya Pataka dari Pemerintah Provinsi Bali. Suartha kini tinggal di Banjar Pekandelan Kelod, Semarapura, Klungkung.

Examples of work

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puisi 3