Antonio Maria Blanco

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Full Name
Antonio Maria Blanco
Pen Name
Sang Maestro
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In English

Antonio Blanco was born on September 15, 1911, in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Both of his parents were Spanish, a fact that Blanco believed linked him geographically and spiritually to Miro and Salvador Dali. His father settled in Manila during the Spanish - American War, where he attained prominence as a physician. Blanco was educated at the American Central School in Manila. During his high school years he loved the arts, literature and language classes but struggled in scientific subjects. It is no wonder that he spoke six languages - Spanish, French, English, Tagalog, Indonesian and a bit of Balinese. After completing high school in Manila, Blanco studied at the National Academy of Art in New York under Sidney Dickinson. During those early formative years, Blanco concentrated on the human form, fascinated by the female body more than any other subject matter. To further his studies and ignite his traveling spirit, he traveled extensively throughout the world before he finally landed in Bali in 1952. The King of Ubud gave Blanco a piece of land to set up his home and studio in Campuan, Ubud, at the confluence of two sacred rivers. Blanco and his Balinese wife, the celebrated dancer Ni Ronji, lived in their mountain retreat, barely leaving it for the world outside. Following a brief trip to the United States, where Blanco acquired many new collectors, the couple never left their fantasy home again.

Living in serene surroundings with his four children, Tjempaka, Mario, Orchid and Maha Devi, Bali became Blanco's center. He was fascinated by the island and completely captivated by its charm.

Blanco lived and worked in his magical hilltop home until his death in 1999, feverishly creating his fantasy portraits of beautiful women. Surrounded by lush gardens, rice fields and with a Banyan tree standing over his family's temple, Antonio Blanco proceeded to create a new reality for himself. His artistic outpourings of this isolated world became much sought after by eager art lovers, collectors and promoters. Within a few years, Blanco became the most famous foreign artist to make Bali his home. He was recognized in both Indonesia and abroad, receiving numerous Blanco Awards and commanding huge prizes at international auctions.

By the end of his life, Blanco had begun building his museum at his studio in Campuan. Dramatically, he died just before its inauguration. His funeral was marked by a very important Blanco Cremationin Ubud. It was Blanco's dream to turn his studio-mansion into a museum. His son, Mario, fulfilled this dream by following his path to become a painter. The Blanco Renaissance Museum is now open to the public, exposing both the maestro's and Mario's art works.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Antonio Blanco lahir pada tanggal 15 September 1911 di Manila, ibu kota Filipina. Kedua orangtuanya berasal dari spanyol, oleh karena itu Blanco meyakini bahwa ia terhubung secara geografis dan spiritual pada Miro and Salvador Dali. Ayahnya menetap di Manila selama perang Spanyol - Amerika, bertugas sebagai dokter. Blanco sekolah di American Central School di Manila. Semasa sekolahnya ia sangat senang kelas-kelas kesenian, literatur dan bahasa tapi kesulitan mengukuti kelas sains. Tidak heran beliau dapat berbicara enam bahasa - Spanyol, Perancis, Ingris, Tagalog, Indonesia, dan sedikit Bahasa Bali. Selulus SMA di Manila, Blanco melanjutkan pendidikannya di National Academy of Art di New York, dibawah Sidney Dickinson. Pada masa-masa awal pembentukannya tersebut, Blanco berkonsentrasi pada bentuk tubuh manusia, terutama pada bentuk tubuh wanita. Sebagai kelanjutan pendidikannya, sekaligus memenihu hasrat berkelananya, ia menjelajah keliling dunia hingga akhirnya menginjakkan kaki di Bali pada tahun 1952. Raja Ubud memberi sepetak tanah kepada Blanco untuk mendirikan rumah dan studionya di Campuan, Ubud, pada pertemuan dua sungai suci. Blanco dan istrinya, seorang penari Bali terkenal bernama Ni Ronji, tinggal di rumah tersebut. Setelah perjalanan singkatnya ke Amerika, dimana Blanco mendapat banyak kontak kolektor baru, ia dan istrinya tidak pernah meninggalkan Bali lagi.

Hidup di rumah asri dengan pemandangan indah bersama empat anak mereka, Tjempaka, Mario, Orchid dan Maha Devi, Bali menjadi inti dari Blanco. Ia amat mengagumi pulau ini dan terperangkap oleh kharismanya.

Blanco hidup dan berkarya di rumah atas bukitnya hingga ia meninggal pada tahun 1999, menuangkan berbagai lukisan fantasi wanita cantik pada kanvas. Dikelilingi kebun bersemi, sawah dan pohon beringin merindangi pura keluarganya, Antonia blanco menciptakan realita baru untuk dirinya. Tuangan artistiknya didalam lingkungannya yang terisolir tersebut membuahkan karya-karya yang sangat dicari dan dihargai oleh pecinta seni, kolektor, dan promotor. Dalam waktu beberapa tahun, Blanco menjadi artis asing paling terkenal yang bertempat tinggal di Bali. Ia dikenal tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi juga seluruh dunia, mendapat berbagai pernghargaan, dan lukisannya dibeli dengan harga tinggi pada lelang-lelang internasional.

Mendekati akhir hidupnya, Blanco mulai mendirikan museum lukisan di studio seninya di Campuan. Kematiannya dramatis tidak lama sebelum pembukaan museumnya. Upacara kremasi ngaben yang cukup besar menandai kepergian beliau. Anak Blanco, Mario, memenuhi mimpi Blanco membuka museum dan melajutkan darah pelukisnya melanjutkan jejak kaki Sang Maestro. Museum Renaissance Blanco kini dibuka untuk umum, menampilkan karya-karya Sang Maestro dan Mario.

Examples of work

Ni Bawang (The Cinderella of Bali) Oil on canvas (around 1964) Collection of the Blanco Museum
The legend of Cinderella is found in many forms all over the world. Here is my version: There are four girls; three are very ugly and egotistical. The Step Mother hates Cinderella, the fourth girl, and harasses her constantly. Cinderella finally leaves home and, when she reaches the mountains, Magic Birds befriend her and shower her with gifts of gold, diamonds and love. This legend ends with a Handsome Prince marrying Cinderella and they live happily ever after.
