reducing religious plastic waste

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This is a Response to the Sampah Upacara wikithon



JUDUL:Sapunapi carané ngirangin sampah ring parilaksana agama? NAMA: COKORDAISTRI Bali sane madue tradisi lan keagamaan sane becik. Cakepan puniki wantah hasil penelitian lapangan sane khusus melajahin indik pola pengulangan sampah plastik ring upacara piodalan ring pura besakih. Puniki menarik krana rikala apresiasi masyarakat pacang melestarikan pacang sayan rered. Ditambah sikap progmatisme masyarakat sayan tegeh maka degradasi kualitas lingkungan nenten prasida kahindari. Pamerintah bali nadosang larangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai rikala perayaan hari suci ring pura warga sane bersembahyang lan medue warung taler dilarang makta utawi nyediayang 3 jenis plastik sekali pakai. Pengedep makta kantong sampah wajib antuk nampung sesajen salami wenten ring wewidangan pura suci Pedagang taler nénten dados ngentungang sampah sembarangan miwah maduwé kewajiban nyaga kebersihan antuk ngamargiang pengelolaan sampah berbasis sumber, ngentungang sampah organik miwah non organik miwah nyaga kebersihan lokasi. Punika sadisareng pamunjuk sane uningayang, dumogi dados pikayunan sane mautsaha ring sajeroning ngupaya kasuksesan ring jagat.

Om Santih santih santih om


-Bali has beautiful traditions and religion.

This book is the result of field research which specifically examines plastic waste handling patterns at the piodalan ceremony at Besakih Temple. This is interesting because as people's appreciation for conservation will decrease. Plus, society's progmatism attitude is getting higher, degradation of environmental quality cannot be avoided. The Bali government has banned the use of single-use plastic during holy day celebrations at temples, praying residents and stall voters are also prohibited from carrying or providing 3 types of single-use plastic. Pemedek must bring a trash bag to contain the remaining offerings while in the sacred area of ​​the temple. Traders are also prohibited from throwing rubbish carelessly and are obliged to maintain cleanliness independently by implementing source-based waste management, separating organic and non-organic waste and maintaining the cleanliness of the location. Apart from that, a step to reduce religious waste can be through burning it in rubbish bins so that not all of it ends up in final disposal sites.

That is all and thank you

smk kertha wisata denpasar
Under 16

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